I love melody more than any other part of music.

I love music more just in and of itself. I love harmony and rhythm.

I love '80s music, but in the dressing room, it tends to be more lively!

I love acting, but music is so much more rewarding because it's more personal.

I love music more than anything; I don't think I would want to go into a strictly music field.

There are more love songs than anything else. If songs could make you do something we'd all love one another.

I love British folk music, but I'm not obsessed with it. I love the Celtic stuff, and Enya is a favorite, but that's more electronic.

At first, I thought I could go to school and do music on the side and be successful, but the more I began to understand the industry, the more I fell in love with it.

My favorite composers are the ones that tell the story. I love Wagner. I love Mahler. Prokofiev. The programmatic music. I listen more to classic rock because I don't like the contemporary music very much.

As for the symphonic activities... when I was a student at the Eastman School of Music, I became exposed to a lot more musical forms, elements, opportunities, and I fell in love with strings and their uses.

My favorite music isn't necessarily the songs that One Direction come out with. That doesn't mean to say I don't secretly really love some of our songs, which I do. My personal tastes... I actually like quite a bit acoustic and more mellow kinds of things.

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