The bottom line is that musicians love to make music and always will.

We will miss George for his sense of love, his sense of music and his sense of laughter.

If one uses music that one does not really love, then one will not succeed in making it one's own.

Though I'm getting a lot of acting offers, I'd like to enter only when I'm ready. My first love will always be music.

Paul Hicks is the only guy The Beatles will allow to arrange, mix and engineer their music, so he did the Cirque du Soleil 'Love' show.

I love music and I want to make India proud on a global level and I will not stop till it happens, I don't think there will be a finish line.

The more a race is governed by its passions, the less it has acquired the habit of cautious and reasoned argument, the more intense will be its love of music.

I had a style before I was signed, but now I'm developing my commercial sound as well as trying to strike a balance between authentic music and music that the masses will love.

I have such an eclectic taste in music. Come to a backyard BBQ at my house, and I will run the gamut from Skynyrd to Sinatra to '90s grunge, rap, R&B, and classic rock. I have issues. If I had to pick one, I love this country artist named Craig Morgan. His music and his songs are so relatable and tell such vivid stories.

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