I tell myself every day I love my Jacuzzi, I love my marble floors, I love my high ceilings.

I love Africa, especially Botswana. I could see myself retiring to a little tree house there one day.

I love watching professionals play more than I love sitting there 20 hours a day trying be a pro myself.

As I grew, I learned to love myself more every day and not pay attention to the negative people, which helped a lot.

Sunday's my day off, where I eat whatever I want. I don't not let myself have something. I do love French fries and bread.

I don't like hiding. I do like to keep certain things to myself, but at the end of the day, I'm eighteen, and I'm going to fall in love.

I go to grad school at NYU, and I learn all these things about speech and voice and games. It's like camp for an actor, and I got a chance to immerse myself 12 to 14 hours a day in what I love.

I love Inter and I gave everything for them, killing myself every day for the Nerazzurri colours. I was the first to arrive for training and the last to leave. I never held back and sometimes I played when I could hardly stay on my feet.

The longer I've been doing this, the more I've realized that you have no idea what kinds of roles are possible for you - dream roles can take you by surprise. That being said, I need to play Hamlet one day. I'd also love to be in a play that I have written myself.

Sunday is the one day I keep reminding myself that I should lay around and take it easy, but because I am O.C.D. and an extreme multitasker, I find it hard to get lazy. I love Sundays for painting because it's quieter; the gallery is closed, and there are no interruptions.

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