There's nothing more human than two people making love.

There's nothing the people love more than a Federal Reserve joke.

I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.

As a filmmaker, you want nothing more than to have people say, 'I love your movie.'

To an ordinary human being, love means nothing if it does not mean loving some people more than others.

There's nothing I like more than being on a dance floor with a thousand people feeling love for humanity.

I love it when people say, 'You're nothing like I thought you were going to be' - which always means, 'I like you so much more than I thought I was going to.'

I think that people have this unrealistic expectation that people are just supposed to love them. I'm sorry to break it you, but ain't nobody supposed to do nothing.

Nothing heals us like letting people know our scariest parts: When people listen to you cry and lament, and look at you with love, it's like they are holding the baby of you.

When a lot of people watch these Victorian-era shows, they're in love with the costumes, the romance, the whole sweep of it all. But there is nothing nostalgic about 'The Knick' at all.

I'm a huge fan of actors, and I love when people find moments and a scene works. There's nothing more that I love than to go over to another actor and say, 'Yeah! You just rocked that one, baby!'

I think the reason why people love 'Downton Abbey' is because all the characters are given the same weight. Some are nice, some are not, but it has nothing to do with class or oppressors versus the oppressed.

You want to reach people, but you also want to reach them in the most authentic way. You now have a mass market and an audience that's listening, but they're in love with a song that means absolutely nothing to you.

I always tell young people: When you meet someone successful, ask them as many questions as you can. Because there's nothing more successful people love - nothing more - than talking about their successes, and you can learn a lot in that.

I love casting against type and doing things you wouldn't expect, because I think you get more interesting performances that way. Hollywood loves to pigeonhole people, and there's nothing an actor loves more than to do something different.

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