I love 'Lawrence of Arabia,' big sweeping films. I want my films to feel that way, to be on a big canvas.

I love to collaborate! That's totally my preference. And I feel like everything I do ends up being that way.

I certainly want to continue to write in a way that's intimate. I love books where you feel you're having a romance with the writer.

Do you know what I feel about Dr. Who's? I feel the same way as I do about the Bonds. I love them all. I love them all! I don't have favorites.

I fall in love with characters when they're out of their element or are uncomfortable and you really feel for them in a knee-jerk sympathetic way.

This is going to seem odd, but I love Eminem because he has so much conviction and emotion in the way he raps. Every word that he raps, you feel it.

Old Vespas are very appealing to me. I love the way they feel. I love the way they smell. I love the curves on them. I have one of the earliest Vespas ever made, from the 1950s.

When my baby was born, I felt like somebody had spiked my drink, and I suddenly was so full of love that it was a little bit as if I was drugged. I didn't think that anyone could feel that way.

I love white shirts because they feel like a security blanket. You can wear them with anything. It's the person and the way that they wear it that makes it different. I have been designing white shirts forever, but I don't get tired of it.

I think it can be really powerful, and one of the reasons I love making films is I do feel they can reach beyond the statistics and the numbers and the complexities of a particular issue and really highlight the humanity in a way that an article or newspaper story might not be able to do.

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