If it's good art, it's good.

I'm just a foul-mouthed Brit.

Life is surreal and beautiful.

I'm by no means an opera buff.

I've always loved the Bond films.

I love thrillers, and I always have.

My definition of success is control.

I'm basically quite a cheerful person.

'The Painkiller' is a remarkable play.

Adults are just children who earn money.

Being Irish, I always had this love of words.

I'm always interested in contemporary fiction.

I was a big admirer of F.D.R. He saved Britain.

I fondly remember good times working on 'Thor.'

Aging is the diminishing of early fearlessness.

The elasticity of Shakespeare is extraordinary.

Truth is like most opinions - best unexpressed.

I only got 'War and Peace' on the third attempt.

I'm just a normal working class boy from Belfast.

Shakespeare's always on my dance card if it can be.

I'm a devotee of Stephen Sondheim. I think he's a genius.

A brother who is unhappy is a dangerous relative to have.

The Chinese say, 'It's good to live in interesting times.'

The glory of 70mm is the sharpness of the image it offers.

I don't find myself so exercised by a desperation to be new.

I liked the fact that 'My Week With Marilyn' wasn't a biopic.

If you've done a brilliant version it becomes something else.

I went to a comprehensive school and didn't go to university.

I live in the English countryside, so I'm surrounded by magpies.

I went to Moscow and met some slightly powerful and scary people.

Mozart had a tremendously fertile and creative ear for a catchy tune.

I certainly have been guilty of trying to sweep things under the carpet.

I've always loved pure, silly slapstick comedy. It always makes me laugh.

It's quite hard for people to just accept that they're very contradictory.

One of the problems with Shakespeare is that you can never give him a ring.

Certainly, I'm excited by epic subjects. It doesn't particularly frighten me.

Don’t stand up when you can sit down and don’t sit down when you can lie down.

I did 'Love's Labour's Lost' in the theater and found it to be riotously funny.

In the course of my lifetime, that world went from violence to a kind of peace.

The BAFTA is both absolutely fantastic and sort of meaningless at the same time.

'Jack Ryan' is a very fast-paced, very contemporary, very action-driven thriller.

I don't think Hamlet is mad, nor is he predisposed to be a gloomy or tragic figure.

My parents are the reason I wanted to make Shakespeare available to ordinary people.

It's very strange that the people you love are often the people you're most cruel to.

I read the final Wallander novel, 'The Troubled Man,' not long after it was published.

A lot of the films I've done have links to other movies that I've directed in the past.

Even in the case of a god, audiences - paradoxically - enjoy recognizing the human traits.

When you cast someone like Natalie Portman, the character can't just be the love interest.

In the hands of a great poet, words have ways of affecting us in ways we don't understand.

I think we love the escapism of something like 'Cinderella,' and I think we do with 'Thor.'

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