Nothing can stop anyone who has a love and passion about their work.

I love acting, so it's easy when you have a passion for it. I've always found the harder you work, the luckier you get.

Horseback riding is my passion. Other than work. People can't imagine me getting dirty, but that's what I love about it.

Passion keeps me going. I love my work. The need to come back, no matter what, and my passion towards my work keeps me going.

I love people that work with passion and love. When you make choices that way, there's reverberations, consequences. That's what I'm interested in, that echo, that ripple of choice.

Passion is different than desire. People that are successful recognize passion. You have to be willing to work at it. I love the image of pushing a boulder uphill - it will flourish you.

I do love fashion. I certainly wouldn't suffer all the stress that comes with it if I didn't really love it. I always talk about the team of people I work with every day. They share that passion.

Love what you do. There's always going to be someone else who's smarter than you, but there's no substitute for passion. People who are passionate always work the hardest, and that sets them apart.

Charlie and I discovered at a really young at that we had a passion for figure skating, and I think that passion drives us to work every day to improve and grow. We have really learned to love our sport more and more, year to year. And the hard work really pays off.

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