I'm a very lucky person.

I am a lucky, lucky person.

The lucky person passes for a genius.

I think of myself as an enormously lucky person.

Well, I think I am a very, very lucky person. I'm very fortunate.

I'm a lucky person because I've been loved a lot. I have a great family.

I just feel like I'm a very lucky person to have a new life outside of politics.

There is only one GC, so whoever does end up with me in the end is a very lucky person.

I've just been a very lucky person. I'm 76 years of age, you know. I've been very lucky.

I never considered myself a lucky person. I'm the most extraordinary pessimist. I truly am.

I'm a lucky person because the company keeps growing, and that means my team keeps growing.

I am a very lucky person because I am not focused on social media and all that happens around.

It hasn't been a totally smooth road, but in the whole span of things I feel like a very lucky person.

In life, I have been a very lucky person; I have had a good married life, good friends, though I am not as educated as I would have liked to be.

My dad used to have an expression - 'It is the lucky person who gets up in the morning, puts both feet on the floor, knows what they are about to do, and thinks it still matters.'

I have so many wonderful people in my life. I've never had any major physical problems or an accident or anything like that. I'm a very, very lucky person, thus far, knock on wood.

I feel like a very lucky person. From the time I was young, I had a dream of becoming a writer. Now that dream has come true, and I am able to make my living doing something I really love.

Writing and playing songs is something that I've loved doing since the day I started. It's never been a chore; it's always a hobby. To be able to do that from day to day makes me believe I'm a very lucky person.

There are very few actors in L.A. who can call their own shots. If you're able to work on something that you actually like working on, you're a very lucky person, and if you're able to keep it going, you're very fortunate.

Optimism is normal, but some fortunate people are more optimistic than the rest of us. If you are genetically endowed with an optimistic bias, you hardly need to be told that you are a lucky person - you already feel fortunate.

I learned from working in the fashion world that if I have a day when I feel slapped in the face, or if someone has been mean, I just have to get back up and it will be another day. I think about what I'm grateful for. I look at my kids and my husband and think, Wow, I'm a really lucky person.

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