A man with God is always in the majority.

A man with God is always in the majority.

The majority is wicked.

The great silent majority.

A majority can do anything.

The laughers are a majority.

The majority is always sane.

One and God make a majority.

One with the law is a majority.

One on God's side is a majority.

He has gone over to the majority.

One is a majority if he is right.

The White Majority is the Problem

The majority of my blood is Asian.

The man with courage is a majority.

One man with courage is a majority.

The minority yields to the majority!

As for our majority... one is enough.

The terrible tyranny of the majority.

The minority must bow to the majority.

The majority can never replace the man

The right of the majority is absolute.

Desperate courage makes One a majority.

Justice, not the majority, should rule.

One must not mistake majority for truth.

The majority never has right on its side.

Truth is not arrived at by majority vote.

The majority of life on Earth is microbial

I have a majority girl audience on YouTube.

In economics, the majority is always wrong.

The mind of the many is not the mind of God.

The vast majority of the CGI budget is labor.

The majority of my work is about preparation.

I suppress the vast majority of what I write.

Majorities, of course, start with minorities.

The majority of my symphonies are tombstones.

The majority of women in America look like me.

It's a good idea not to major in minor things.

Thou shalt not steal, except by majority vote.

No minority should climb all over the majority.

The majority is still at the General's disposal.

When majority is insane, sane must go to asylum.

The majority of people do not accept my choices.

I try to make the majority of my audience laugh.

The voice of the majority is no proof of justice.

The majority of my audience has always been women.

Was there ever a time when the majority was right?

...majority Patriotism is the customary Patriotism.

A majority is always better than the best repartee.

The purpose of the minority is to become the majority.

One man in the right will finally get to be a majority.

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