I'm a proud woman. I'm a proud man. I'm a proud whatever people think I am.

I am a five-foot six-inch, dark, ordinary-looking man. People didn't imagine that I would make it.

I am with a very successful man, and the crazy thing is people think that it makes my career easier.

I like people, and I like to be around people. They are fascinating. I like to behave like a common man. I am a common man.

I am capable of holding the quote-unquote 'title' of leading man. Leading man just means people want to see you and assume that you can hold a film, carry a movie.

I am afraid that people will think I re-illustrated 'The Little Prince,' when really, it was more a tribute to him as a dedicated pilot and a man who believed in the goodness of people.

I am going to help show the American people that they too cannot trust him, that this is a man that does not live up to his promises, and this is a man who cheated students in the so-called Trump University.

A lot of people just think I'm a big man, but I'm a basketball player. I am able to do everything that a basketball player can do - from playmaking and scoring to just passing the ball and just being a leader and post presence.

I was playing pretty boys and these angelic roles like Nicholas Nickleby and all that stuff. And I was like, 'What am I doing? This isn't who I am, as a man or an artist.' I had to overcome people's belief that I was too pretty to be a badass.

I am (even after all the torture) amazed at British logic. Never in eight centuries have they succeeded in breaking the spirit of one man who refused to be broken. They have not dispirited, conquered, nor demoralised my people, nor will they ever.

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