I don't like having managers.

No manager ever won no ballgames.

Of course managers win ball games.

A manager doesn't hear the cheers.

Who is his manager? Milton Bradley.

Bad ballplayers make good managers.

People leave managers, not companies

Good managers have a bias for action.

I think managers see that I am honest.

Managers don't play. We the players play.

For managers to win the treble isn't easy.

Managers live and die by their recruitment.

My manager always preaches golf comes first.

Managers control. Leaders create commitment.

I think all managers have to be so demanding.

Personally, I'm a fan of valets and managers.

Your time as a manager is finite and valuable.

I'm a risk manager, but I'm also a risk taker.

Many fine coaches never become great managers.

People join organizations, they leave managers.

Don't be a time manager, be a priority manager.

Sir Alex Ferguson ceases to amaze me as a manager

Klopp and Guardiola are two sensational managers.

The days of the 'intuitive' manager are numbered.

A manager says 'go,' but a leader says 'let's go'.

There's a manager (Billy Martin) I could play for.

My manager is definitely a mentor as well as Usher.

Guardiola is one of the best managers in the world.

Managers are the most creative people in the world.

All the managers in the world are here to win games.

My manager and my agents, they go over my contracts.

The key to management is to get rid of the managers.

There are no managers like there used to be managers.

Managers have people second-guessing them all the time.

Managers are never appreciated when they're in the job.

Managers develop organisations; leaders develop people.

My manager says we've been working with the FDA on this.

My most romantic job: I was a manager at Baskin-Robbins.

I have been very lucky to get the managers in the world.

I always think that women are the chaos managers of life.

I've had five managers, and I've played with all of them.

A manager has his cards dealt to him and he must play them.

All managers have someone they lean on and take advice from.

The manager asks how and when; the leader asks what and why.

Clubs don't change managers unless there is something wrong.

What I expect is a little more respect from a fellow manager.

I'm happy that I have agents and managers that believe in me.

The prime occupational hazard of a manager is superficiality.

Clubs need to take more ownership on how they recruit managers.

Managers can sometimes hold players back for their own benefit.

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