I am a junk food eater.

I like debating policy.

I am a straight shooter.

I grew up in the middle class.

I can speak for my own actions.

I never read one book at a time.

There are good leaks and bad leaks.

I think self-esteem comes from work.

The Fed cannot save us from ourselves.

Ben Carson is an incredibly honest guy.

You have to take calculated risks in life.

I went to law school with President Obama.

I'm a risk manager, but I'm also a risk taker.

I'm used to meanness. It doesn't matter to me.

You're never gonna find the perfect politician.

I want to keep my head in the game, my ego low.

I'm a businessperson. I'm used to dealing with friction.

Donald Trump is a way better leader than Hillary Clinton.

Making sweeping over-generalizations is classically un-American.

Let me tell you something about myself. I am a straight shooter.

I've had a series of setbacks in my life, which I've written about.

You get growth in the United States, the rest of the world will grow.

The Chinese government does not like people betting against the yuan.

My parents never went to college. My dad started as an hourly worker.

I'm very close to Jay Sekulow. We know each other very well. Trust Jay.

You have to accept your fate; do it without bitterness and stay humble.

Good debt accrues assets that generate positive returns and externalities.

I know that there was a public disclosure mechanism in my financial forms.

I'm a gay rights supporter. I'm a human-rights campaign initiative person.

Whatever you think about me, I was pretty open about how I felt about people.

I've supported a lot of different people. I went to law school with President Obama.

I do think that there is pressure in various constituencies to reject the president.

A person that's going to be super, super tough on Russia is President Donald J. Trump.

I'm more of an empiricist. I'm focused on right or wrong, as opposed to left or right.

Reince Priebus - if you want to leak something - he'll be asked to resign very shortly.

We want diversity in the cabinet. We want diversity reflected throughout the government.

I would prefer to let the president make the decisions that the president needs to make.

I'm not a sociologist, I'm not a political scientist, but I'm a fairly intuitive person.

I've asked people not to leak things for a period of time and give me a honeymoon period.

I don't think I need to be an apologist for working hard and being a very large taxpayer.

Poorly negotiated and lazily enforced trade deals have caused jobs to flee the heartland.

What I'm going to do is I will eliminate everyone in the comms team, and we'll start over.

Best to give Chief of Staff John Kelly a clean slate and the ability to build his own team.

You have to love the office and you have to love our country and what is going on right now.

Democracy is a device that ensures the people shall be governed no better than they deserve.

The rise of Donald Trump has exposed a deep chasm in America between the haves and have-nots.

The post-Reagan era has been defined by overspending as the result of ideological overpromises.

All good entrepreneurs have to start somewhere with a dedicated plan to finish in a great place.

You've got to use the skill set God has given you, and I have the ability to connect with people.

Trillions of dollars spent on foreign wars have done nothing to make Americans feel safer at home.

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