Almost all quality improvement comes via simplification of design, ...

Almost all quality improvement comes via simplification of design, manufacturing... layout, processes, and procedures.

Management is about arranging and telling. Leadership is about ...

Management is about arranging and telling. Leadership is about nurturing and enhancing.

You are your projects!

Do it, fix it, try it.

Hire disrespectful people.

We are all Michaelangelos.

For me, reading is reading.

Hire attitude train skills.

What gets measured gets done.

Are Your Customers saying WOW?

Leaders do stuff that matters.

They say plan it. I say do it.

Lists simplify, clarify, edify.

Swipe from the best, then adapt.

Bold botches are to be cherished.

Test fast, fail fast, adjust fast.

Screw-ups are the mark of excellence.

Good managers have a bias for action.

Rewards should go to teams as a whole.

You can't live life without an eraser.

You can only improve what you measure.

Celebrate what you want to see more of.

Life is too short for non-WOW projects.

Don't settle for less than is possible.

Don't 'tolerate' mistakes. Embrace them!

Only pissed-off people change the world.

The unthinkable is thinkable. No: likely.

Take someone NEW AND WEIRD to lunch today

Progress is mostly the product of rogues.

Hire for attitude. Train for skill... More

If timing ain't everything, it's damn close

Remember my mantra: distinct... or extinct.

Treat the customer as an appreciating asset.

You have to stand out if you want to move up.

Listen to Everyone. Ideas come from everywhere

We are no doubt in the Great Age of the Brand.

One size NEVER fits all. One size fits one. Period

TRUST, not technology, is the issue of the decade.

Formula for success: Underpromise and overachieve.

Communication is everyone's panacea for everything.

Learning is a matter of intensity not elapsed time.

Formula for success: under promise and over deliver.

There is no such thing as a minor lapse of integrity

If you're not confused, you're not paying attention.

Execution Excellence! (Show up on time! Leave last!)

He who makes the quickest, coolest prototypes reigns!

Success requires a persistent misreading of the odds.

Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre successes.

We cannot innovate without opening the door to havoc.

If not excellence, what? If not excellence now, when?

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