Manchester United never die.

I was a Manchester United fan.

I believe in Manchester United.

Manchester United breathes football.

I am a great fan of Manchester United.

The team is the star at Manchester United.

I have good memories of Manchester United.

All they can talk about is Manchester United.

I had a fantastic career at Manchester United.

I was very close to joining Manchester United.

I always knew what Manchester United was about.

It is always special to play Manchester United.

Manchester United are not just any football club.

I love the pressure of managing Manchester United

I found leaving Manchester United very, very hard.

We will go back to playing like Manchester United.

Every manager dreams of managing Manchester United.

Leaving Manchester United? That was not complicated.

Danny Welbeck was great for us at Manchester United.

I'm not at Manchester United to keep everyone happy.

They (the press) have a hatred of Manchester United.

Manchester United is a club that means so much to me.

I was never close to signing for Manchester United, no.

Manchester United is stronger than anybody in the world.

I believe I can be a great player for Manchester United.

There's no shortage of investment into Manchester United.

If you play for Manchester United, you have to be strong.

It's a shame the Manchester United situation turned sour.

Manchester United would like to have world class players.

I will continue to fight to the end at Manchester United.

Welbeck is not the standard required at Manchester United.

I am at Manchester United. I feel really lucky to be here.

At a club like Manchester United, we have to win something.

We want to win everything. That is the Manchester United way.

If Manchester United come knocking, you can't turn that down.

We are Manchester United, and we want to fight for everything.

It is important to keep Manchester United on top of the world.

When I was young, it was a dream to play for Manchester United.

I hope at Manchester United I can do my best. I will do my best.

It would be honour for me to keep playing for Manchester United.

I hope we can put Manchester United back where they deserve to be.

When you play for Manchester United, the pressure's on every week.

If it is possible I want to finish my career at Manchester United.

Manchester United will be hoping their bench can come off the bench

The Premier club in the Premier League - that is Manchester United!

I would never have left Everton if it hadn't been Manchester United.

I respect Manchester United, but I have respect to Dortmund as well.

Going to Manchester United, you're expected to be the final product.

It would be great to have more Spanish players at Manchester United.

And now International Soccer Special, Manchester United v Southampton

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