David Cameron is no Margaret Thatcher.

Scotland never voted for Margaret Thatcher.

I loved 'A Lion in the Meadow' by Margaret Mahy.

There is no chance of my marrying Princess Margaret.

Andy Dick is so gay, he thinks Margaret Cho is funny.

Margaret Thatcher always felt like an outsider in her party.

My wife Margaret is the best thing that's ever happened to me.

I got the Margaret Sanger award. I was kissed by President Obama.

Margaret Thatcher was Britain's most controversial modern politician.

The women's movement in England was totally against Margaret Thatcher.

I don't want to be an old man in a pub singing about Margaret Thatcher.

I want to be America's Margaret Thatcher. I will be the next Iron Lady.

By and large, the artistic establishment disapproved of Margaret Thatcher.

I feel like no-one likes a sob story. No-one likes to hear Moanie Margaret.

I grew up thinking Margaret Cho and Lucy Liu were my idols because that's it.

I was Margaret Thatcher in the school election during the 1983 General Election.

'You Can Count On Me' took 20 days to shoot, and we had 50 days to shoot 'Margaret.'

Margaret Thatcher was as viscerally hated at home as she was warmly respected abroad.

If there is a better singer in England than Craig David, then I am Margaret Thatcher.

Margaret Thatcher and John Major knew that bluff and bravado doesn't work in Brussels.

I think I learned about the relationship between books and life from Margaret Mitchell.

I think women do write politically all the time. Margaret Atwood does; Doris Lessing does.

I'm a commercial writer, not an author. Margaret Mitchell was an author. She wrote one book.

As a woman, I think Margaret Thatcher felt she had to be ten times more prepared than the men.

No British politician has ever been more despised by the British people than Margaret Thatcher.

It would have been a very, very good thing if the next election after Margaret went we had lost.

Of course I took advantage of the publicity that surrounded my friendship with Princess Margaret.

I love Joyce Carol Oates. I love Margaret Atwood, T.C. Boyle. Arthur Phillips is always consistent.

When I was asked to read a screenplay about Margaret Thatcher, I think I felt immediate apprehension.

In Princess Margaret I found a fine friend who could steady my restless nature and offer wise counsel.

I'll always be grateful for 'Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret.' It brought me many, many, readers.

I met my wife, Margaret L. Mack, at the University of Chicago. We were married in 1936. She died in 1970.

My mum Margaret was a single parent, but though life was a bit of a struggle she gave me every encouragement.

Margaret Atwood was the author who took me out of children's literature and guided me towards adult literature.

Margaret Thatcher was very good for the arts in so far as it gave people a real focus for something to be against.

Remember how Margaret Thatcher came to believe that abroad was more important than at home? Didn't do her much good.

I've always been drawn to dark stories. I enjoy reading Flannery O'Connor, Patricia Highsmith, and Margaret Mitchell.

After Margaret Thatcher's funeral, I spoke at a tribute meeting organised by her supporters in a pub next to St Paul's.

Margaret Thatcher's government redistributed money from rich to poor. And that's the nature of a modern western democracy.

You may not know it, but I was adopted as a baby by my wonderful parents, Allan and Margaret Atkins of Cumberland Gap, Tenn.

I wrote 'Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret' right out of my own experiences and my own feelings when I was in sixth grade.

I'm a big fan of Katt Williams, Jim Gaffigan, Louie CK, Margaret Cho, Kathy Griffin, Rich Vas, Joey Vega and Matt Claybrooks.

Margaret Thatcher was a lady. I suppose she was a woman in a man's world, but that's about the only nice thing I have to say.

My kind publishers, Toby Mundy and Margaret Stead of Atlantic Books, have commissioned me to write the life of Queen Victoria.

To be honest, if I was going to have any kind of fantasy, be it left-wing or otherwise, it wouldn't involve Margaret Thatcher.

I want to be old Princess Margaret, without a doubt. Kaftan wearing, Caribbean island-dwelling... that's my inner spirit animal.

Margaret Thatcher inherited a country in transition. The British Empire was still a considerable entity well into the 20th century.

The first two Prime Ministers whom I served, Ted Heath and Margaret Thatcher drew strikingly different lessons from the Second World War.

Margaret Sanger didn't just introduce the idea of birth control into our culture at large, she freed women from indenture to their bodies.

There may be fewer women historians writing on traditionally 'male' subjects, but they are outstanding in the field - like Margaret MacMillan.

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