I never take anything personally when it doesn't concern me.

If you know anything about me, I've never been a trash-talker. That's not even part of my DNA.

I never have tantrums. If anything makes me mad, I'm silent. If I'm not talking, leave me alone.

Me, as a human, I never want to take away another human being's choices or lifestyles or anything.

In fact, you couldn't give me anything to make me go back to being a teenager. Never. No, I hated it.

I never paid attention to what was contemporary or what was commercial, it didn't mean anything to me.

I would never do anything to hurt anybody, especially if they're helping me. I'm not that kind of person.

I've never been a fan of sociopaths who have no conscience. That scares me because they're capable of anything.

I used to bottle up all of my emotions and never say anything. Even if something really made me mad, I'd be quiet.

I never thought for a second that anything I ever did was going to make someone cringe. That never occurred to me.

Anybody who knows me knows I would never read a comic book. And I certainly would never read anything written by Kevin Smith.

Am I overjoyed when somebody says, 'Oh, we're going to do another Jane Austen?' No - because there's never anything in it for me.

I never dreamed of dancing on television or anything like that. It's more of things that come along that excite me and inspire me.

The cinema saved me from being a delinquent. I could have been, but I didn't get caught up. I never was going to get arrested or anything.

Let's say there was a fat guy heckling me. I would rip him to shreds, but I would never go for the obvious, never talk about how he's fat or anything.

None of the editors I've worked with have ever asked me to pull my punches. They've never asked me to give them anything other than my own interpretation of events.

Afraid no, I wasn't afraid but it was an unusual thing, it was an unusual feeling. It was an unusual atmosphere for me having grown up in this country and, and, and never seeing anything like that.

I've got a Facebook page, but I've never put anything on it. I've got a presence on all the social networks, in fact, but I've never once sent a message. I'm there because, otherwise, someone's going to pretend to be me.

I don't know a kid who grew up in the '90s who wasn't obsessed with Disney, and I guess I never grew out of that phase, honestly. It's not just Disney: it's anything that has to do with fairytales for me. I think I just have Peter Pan Syndrome or something.

My grandmother, Amalia Pia Emilia Vignola, whom I called Nonna, brought out the fairy tale in everything. She used to tuck me into bed so vigorously that I never felt anything less than comforted, and then afterwards, she would sit on a cane basket box next to my bed and read Hans Christian Andersen to me.

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