Me and my cousin started doing CrossFit in my barn; I haven't looked back since.

I came back to the hood and got in those streets and started doing whatever it took for me to provide.

Before Mustard was even making beats, he was my DJ. He was doing all my shows with me before I was even cracking, back in, like, '08, '09.

It actually took me a year to learn how to play running back - to understand what they were doing defensively and then what our guys were doing every single play.

It was my mother who got me involved in gymnastics, sending me to classes when I was six just to stop me doing back flips on the couch and destroying the furniture.

When I first started doing stand-up back in Philadelphia, the idea of being a professional writer was completely beyond me. It didn't even occur to me that that was something you could do.

After I broke my leg I had to go back and do one of the remakes of 'The Magnificent Seven' and ended up on a horse that pitched me off and broke my leg again... I rode horses pretty well. I just didn't like doing it.

Duane Eddy is somebody I wanted to play like. I discovered him before The Beatles, and he totally got to me. He sent me a note back in 1977 and said that he really liked what Cheap Trick were doing. That's one of those 'Wow!' moments, you know?

I had what Leicester gave me but then I worked with a guy around my house, a guy that my agent recommended. I worked with him for the three weeks solid, leading back into pre-season. We were just doing horrible running. Minging running! It wasn't pretty to be fair!

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