For me, a holiday is doing something else apart from what I normally do.

The word diva to me means doing something supernatural with something natural.

The idea of doing something that you've seen a thousand times before doesn't appeal to me.

What interests me is seeing a problem and doing something about it, not all of the stuff around it.

Doing something that's physical but not necessarily mentally taxing - for me, it frees me up creatively.

When I was at ESPN, I would say in April, 'We should be doing something on the NFL,' and they laughed at me.

I think a long-term TV show is probably not for me, but doing a few years of something could be interesting.

I think that by playing centre midfield in the middle of the park, I'm doing something which comes naturally to me.

I sort of enjoy being able to hear what other composers are doing and how they might score something differently than me. I enjoy that part.

I'm so used to doing stuff, as you can imagine, fast and on the go, and just calming down, being patient for me is something I have yet to get used to.

If Miles Davis hadn't died it would have been interesting to do an album with him, but there wasn't much else that would have got me into the studio... although Herbie Hancock has just been in touch about doing something and that would be an interesting combination.

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