I think when coaches look at me, they don't see a prototypical running back.

I want to see what I look like when I'm old - I'm curious where that's going to take me.

It's like climbing a staircase. I'm on the top of the staircase, I look behind me and I see the steps. That's where I was.

The difference between me and them is that I'll look at Jesse Jackson and I'll see four Jesse Jacksons, and they'll just see one, the clown ambulance chaser.

I don't want to ever look cheap on screen and want my viewers to squirm in their seats when they see me in such a scene. I'd rather wow them with my physique.

I ain't trying to run away from no danger. If it's supposed to be dangerous for me, then I'm going to go and take a peek. I want to go and look and see what's so dangerous about it.

I personally have gone to photo shoots and see the pictures afterwards, and I don't look like me because I'm just so airbrushed and so, kind of, fake and almost plastic-looking, you know?

You're not going to look at Paul and see him slacking, not carrying his weight. All the other stuff, 'Paul doesn't lead' and all that? That's fine. Go grab guys that lead, then. Let me help them lead.

I think it's really exciting for me to see Brandi branch out. Because when you look her up and see her pictures online and see that she was this bikini model, it doesn't tell you that she's got a degree from the University of Michigan or that she attended the master's program and the University of Miami.

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