Animals interest me more than anything else.

Wittiness turns me on more than anything else.

Cole Porter wrote Anything Goes and four more hits for me.

I have to say, sushi freaks me out more than almost anything.

We'll Meet Again' is the one that means more to me than anything.

It's the emotion of it that hits me, more than anything technical.

When anyone tells me I can't do anything... I'm just not listening any more.

Yoga helps me with basketball, but it helps me outside of it more than anything.

When I was 13, Lou Reed and the Velvet Underground made more sense to me than anything else.

I don't fall into the category of tortured artist. But it's not made me more or less anything.

Record companies tell me to play something more commercial, but I don't want to do anything else.

And I want a gold medal more than anything. I just want a gold medal, so that's been pushing me forward.

The make up took about an hour to put on, but the wig was a thing that bothered me more than anything else.

Actually, if you ask my really close friends, they would say that 'Honeymoon' is more me than anything else I've written.

I think the one thing that athletics prepared me for that's been more beneficial than anything has been the humbling times.

I don't really own anything. It makes me more fluent, er, fluid. More fluent, too, because I've learned a lot of languages by traveling around.

Scott Frank and I are director friends. We met through the Sundance Labs and he's advised me on my first projects - I've visited him on set, we've shared first cuts with each other, and we're more like director pals than anything else.

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