I do all my own make-up, it takes me 10 minutes.

I've learned how my own perfectionism can cripple me.

I just grate on my own nerves. I don't like to watch me.

I do most of my own stunts because the stunt guys show me how.

I was an unhappy child, and that puts me off having a child of my own.

I originated my own cliches, but I'm finding that's not working for me anymore.

I'm exceptionally open with my own parents, and they're exceptionally open with me.

My staff are pretty protective, it drives me nuts. I like to just do my own thing, that's pretty well it.

That is when the crowd really lifted me. That last 600 meters I was not running with my own legs. It was incredible.

And I thought if I don't pre-interview - first of all, we couldn't afford it - but the second thing was it would force me to do my own research, which takes two weeks.

Before starting my own investment funds, the only models I was aware of were those of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger. Their models made a lot of sense to me, so I cloned them.

I saw Damien Rice in Dublin when I was 13, and that inspired me to want to pursue being a songwriter... I practised relentlessly and started recording my own EPs. At 16, I moved to London and played any gigs I could, selling CDs from my rucksack to fund recording the next, and it snowballed from there.

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