Nothing sickens me more than the closed door of a library.

For artists like me nothing matters more than the audience's respect.

There's nothing that makes me cry and laugh more than stories about friendship.

Nothing pleases me more than to go into a room and come out with a piece of music.

What has changed is that nothing has changed... that's what has made me more unhappy than everything else.

Years later, nothing makes me more grateful as a parent than my daughters' encounters with classroom wizards.

Nothing gives me more pleasure than acting. But I don't enjoy going for award functions or giving interviews.

Nothing could be more insulting to me than the concept of civil rights. It means perpetual second-class citizenship for me and my kind.

There was nothing special about me; there are boxers in Belfast who are more skilled but I had a bit between my teeth that drives me on.

There is nothing that would upset me more than my dad being bribed by the press. It's like, 'Just let them run it, then. Don't you give them ammunition.'

I grew up watching Letterman, 'Seinfeld,' 'SNL,' and Monty Python movies. But nothing made me want to get into comedy more than when 'Mr. Show' started airing.

Nothing is more satisfying to me than sitting in a dank room, hunched over a single flickering candle like Ebenezer Scrooge, and watching my ledgers fill themselves with ink.

Films exhaust me, they do, and I often want nothing more to do with them, but I'm continually surprised at the resurgence of the impulse to come back and do it all over again.

As a serial entrepreneur, angel investor and public company CEO, nothing irks me more than when a startup founder talks about wanting to cash in with an initial public offering.

I've been hit with kendo sticks and chairs; I've been thrown through tables, broke my ankle, broke my nose, and have had concussions in WWE, but nothing has hurt me more than when I stubbed my toe in 'The Marine 3: Homefront.'

The turning point for me was when the Supreme Court installed Bush in 2000, even though he got half a million votes less nationally than Gore. It was nothing more than a bloodless coup and that's when I really started paying attention.

Starting out, they told me: 'You're a good-looking guy. We'll put you in this role, and you can be a conduit for the audience into this side of the story.' But I've grown up, and that's not what I want anymore. My concept of the job I do has evolved. And it is a job, nothing more.

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