Kids are more nimble than wise.

Time is valuable; people are busy.

We want laws to be applied predictably.

A runner's stride is not perfectly efficient.

A president cant go to every memorial service.

A president can't go to every memorial service.

Barack Obama wants teacher service scholarships.

You can't hold up a blog; you can hold up a magazine.

The crossroads of science and politics is a dodgy place.

People don't blame the act of driving for auto accidents.

Illusions are the truths we live by until we know better.

Sometimes justice is at its most merciful when it's blind.

I like the fact that glass ceilings are breaking all over.

Hillary Clinton wants to leave behind No Child Left Behind.

Professor Obama has at least talked to us like we're adults.

Bill Clinton left office with a more than 60% approval rating.

Making distinctions is part of learning. So is making mistakes.

All wars, even the noblest, bring a reckoning of means and ends.

The challenge was that it was harder to be subtle than strident.

Power is not just political. It can be cultural; it can be spiritual.

If boomers were always looking to shock, millennials are eager to share.

Dwight Eisenhower was candid in private, but he was circumspect in public.

There's something very Nixonian about the idea of keeping an enemy's list.

In sub-Saharan Africa, fewer than 1 in 5 girls make it to secondary school.

Power is a tool, influence is a skill; one is a fist, the other a fingertip.

The real luxury travel of the modern age is not through space; it's through time.

If Heaven is willing to sing to us, it is little to ask that we be ready to listen.

As long as people have been making little people, they've wanted to know how not to.

Today's kids aren't taking up arms against their parents; they're too busy texting them.

It's funny how things change slowly, until the day we realize they've changed completely.

Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth were slaves by birth, freedom fighters by temperament.

Enter politics, and you enter the glass house; there are no secrets and no places to hide.

Presidents make their hard decisions and then abide forever with their mistakes and regrets.

It's always been a luxury to be able to hop a plane to Paris, to Venice, to the Grand Canyon.

A typical smart phone has more computing power than Apollo 11 when it landed a man on the moon.

George W. Bush, though a president's son, is cast as Reagan's heir even more than his father's.

You must get courageous men, men of strong views and let them debate and argue with each other.

For the truly faithful, no miracle is necessary. For those who doubt, no miracle is sufficient.

If anything, the power of the cover of 'Time' has increased as the media landscape has atomized.

There may be no less original idea than the notion that our hearts hold dominion over our heads.

While many alien species are harmless, others pose expensive threats to seas and fields and forests.

Sure, we want to know what a president believes in... but that doesn't always mean he should tell us.

It is faith that drives us to build, a belief that we cannot be limited by lack of nerve or airspace.

The typical white American woman in 1800 gave birth seven times; by 1900, the average was down to 3.5.

When you are a media celebrity, every word you speak is dissected, as are those you choose not to speak.

In many parts of the world, more people have access to a mobile device than to a toilet or running water.

Pain is the most private experience, but its causes, whether natural or man-made, demand public accounting.

In many parts of the world, more people have access to a mobile device than to a toilet or running water...

Years later, nothing makes me more grateful as a parent than my daughters' encounters with classroom wizards.

All great rebellions are born of private acts of civil disobedience that inspire rebel bands to plot together.

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