I don't know if you'll see me jumping out of planes anytime soon.

Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It's to see my dividends coming in.

I said to de Lord, 'I'm goin' to hold steady on to you, an' I know you'll see me through.'

Whenever you see me and I'm hitting ground ball after ground ball, you know I'm not feeling right.

If you ever see me in a social setting wearing any sort of sportswear, then you know I'm in crisis.

I'm sorry I didn't go to jail for six months, then I know you could come to see me anytime you wanted to.

I don't want to be a rap star. I want you to see me and just say, 'That's Mase,' not 'That's Puff Daddy and Mase,' you know.

It gives me the creeps when I see a frame for a building going up and recognise the architect. You shouldn't know who a project is by.

I think there's this assumption that everybody would rather be a director, and I don't know that that's the case for me, so we'll see.

Whenever I really get serious about something, I pull my hair back into a tight ponytail. If you see me with that, you know I mean business.

They think I'm being serious when actually I'm a very big clown. But you have to know me to see that. I'm constantly cracking up and cracking everybody else around me up.

Growing up, I ate a lot of candy. If you were my dentist, you would know that, you know, but I eat a lot of candy, so from eight to probably, like, 15, you wouldn't see me without a pack of Skittles.

I know with me, you really have to, like, pound me over the head to say, 'I like you. I really like you' to get me to see it. I think if you're too passive, you just fall into that friend role. And that's hard to break out of.

Honestly, and seriously, I know I have to do a Telugu film. It was my grandmother's dream to see me in a Telugu film before she died. I couldn't fulfil her dream before she passed away, but I don't want to let go of it, either.

Mike Tyson was one of the fighters who motivated me. How? We both used to train at the Golden Gloves boxing gym. I used to see his Rolls-Royce, his diamond Rolex on, and I said, 'You know what? Those are the things that I want.'

When I see kids standing next to their mothers at book signings, clutching a copy of 'Forever,' I know what's coming. They'll say to me, 'How old do I have to be to read this?' hoping I'll give them permission. But I can't do that.

When I see an image in my head that compels me, where there's this mystery about what's going to happen next or could happen next, I'll be intrigued. There are so many scripts that you read, and you know exactly what's going to happen, and there aren't too many where you can't tell within the first 20 pages where it's going.

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