To the victors belong the spoils.

Success can not be administrated.

Get up and get moving. Follow me!

Learn to obey before you command.

Know the enemy and know yourself.

Valor is the soldier's adornment.

Politics is not an exact science.

Give me liberty or give me death.

Never do an enemy a small injury.

Don't spread patriotism too thin.

Perpetual peace is a futile dream.

Without supplies no army is brave.

I don't take criticism lying down.

The best is the enemy of the good.

Love is a kind of military service

Pray devoutly, but hammer stoutly.

Get there first with the most men.

Win with ability, not with numbers.

Either war is obsolete, or men are.

A war put off is not a war avoided.

Don't repeat the lies of the liars.

I go where the sound of thunder is.

The best form of defense is attack.

Audacity, audacity, always audacity.

Offense is the essence of air power.

You cannot run faster than a bullet.

Who hath not served can not command.

The business of America is business.

A man-of-war is the best ambassador.

Mines are equal opportunity weapons.

Tyranny is for the worst of treasons.

Soldiers! Forty centuries behold you!

Rascals, do you want to live forever?

Give obedience where 'tis truly owed.

Man has become great through struggle

Great liars are also great magicians.

Military force can't defeat ideology.

Wars are caused by undefended wealth.

When the situation is obscure, attack

Courage in danger is half the battle.

**** the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!

To have more, you must first be more.

The shovel is the brother to the gun.

The mere absence of war is not peace.

The majority can never replace the man

I must follow them. I am their leader.

You're never beaten until you admit it

We make war that we may live in peace.

A beaten general is disgraced forever.

War hath no fury like a non-combatant.

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