Chicago - a pompous Milwaukee.

The crowds in Milwaukee are awesome.

I love how quiet and calm Milwaukee is.

Milwaukee is a small-market team, but I love it.

Lambeau was always special, and so was Milwaukee.

St. Louis is closer to Minneapolis than Milwaukee is.

What's made Milwaukee famous has made a loser out of me.

There is so much talent in Milwaukee, and such diversity.

Milwaukee one of my favorite cites; I think Milwaukee is #1.

I grew up playing in an alley on the south side of Milwaukee.

I was born in Washington, D.C., and I was raised in Milwaukee.

Sean Sweeney is a defensive guy that did a great job with Milwaukee.

I grew up in Omaha and Milwaukee, and was always a very inquisitive kid.

I think for a guy like me, low-profile guy, it's better being in Milwaukee.

My father was an outfielder in the Milwaukee system before he hurt his elbow.

I feel very fortunate to have broken in with the Milwaukee Braves organization.

I'm always excited to play my hometown, but I'm kind of past the Milwaukee thing.

It's good that other teams want me, but I'll be more than happy to stay in Milwaukee.

Thanks to the great fans of Milwaukee. Their work ethic truly inspires me every night.

I've lived in Atlanta, Milwaukee, Dallas. I started in Orlando, so I've been north and south.

Went from Milwaukee, a small town in Milwaukee, to Kentucky. Nobody thought I'd survive there.

I love Milwaukee! I'm going to be in Milwaukee 20 years! I'll be here so long, they'll be sick of me!

I can see the love from people in Milwaukee. I can see that the city wants me to be there for a long time.

It's really time for the State of Wisconsin to form a better relationship with the greater Milwaukee area.

It's pretty ridiculous how nice people are in Milwaukee. It's like you're a member of everyone's family or something.

It's the Milwaukee Bucks. Unless they give you good, good money, then go, but you don't leave New York for Milwaukee.

I signed a very modest $3,000 bonus with the Braves in Milwaukee. And my old man didn't have that kinda money to put out.

Often audiences vary... but I've always found Milwaukee to be a fabulous place to play with great audiences and very hip.

There's more people to ignore in New York or Boston than there are in Milwaukee, but I would still ignore them, probably.

I would love to be part of more partnerships and help develop new campaigns that celebrate Milwaukee and support local business.

My goal is to win in Milwaukee, bring a championship in the city, and make the team a lot better. So I would never leave for L.A.

My choice was either Chicago or Milwaukee. Milwaukee is going with a young team and Chicago is in need of a big guy, so that's it.

I was just getting out of a shootaround in Milwaukee when I found out. I took out my insoles (from my shoes) and I was out of there.

There are a lot of people in Milwaukee who have had adverse impacts from Scott Walker. He's managed to mess over everyone in Milwaukee.

I go to Milwaukee, I get cut, that really put a funk in me. I'm like, 'Man, it's over for me. I can't even make it in training camp now?'

I've owned a business for 26 years. My family isn't in politics and my supporters aren't special interest groups in Madison and Milwaukee.

I love Milwaukee, the rust belt. It's a very special part of America that's full of promise but also full of pain, where poverty is acute.

When people ask if Marquette University is in Michigan, and I tell them my alma mater is in Milwaukee, they sometimes say, 'What's the difference?'

I love Milwaukee, I love the fans, the city - it works hard, I work hard and I've always done that since the first day I decided to play basketball.

When I left Milwaukee, and I had all these stories. I felt so responsible for people. It's a heck of a thing to do, to try to write someone's story.

I don't know if we have any action going on, so there shouldn't be anybody worried about the rumors if it entails the Milwaukee Bucks. This is our team.

When I was a teenager in Milwaukee in the 1980s, life was pretty boring, and I found myself riveted by the sheer melodrama of everyday life of the 1960s.

It's valuable to me as an artist and actor to explore all kinds of outlets. So if a local filmmaker in Milwaukee had a good story, I'd be part of it in a second.

The kind of acting I used to enjoy no longer exists because your prime consideration is the budget, running time, the cost - and whether they'll understand it in Milwaukee.

I wasn't expecting to be traded, so it definitely was a surprise to me. But things happen in this league so I just decided to take in stride and start a new journey in Milwaukee.

Only once in the last thirty years have I made a duplicate, and that was a watercolor from my oil picture now owned by the Layton Art Gallery, Milwaukee, called 'Hark! the Lark.'

Between 2009 and 2011, more than one in eight Milwaukee renters were displaced involuntarily, whether by formal or informal eviction, landlord foreclosure, or building condemnation.

Wherever you go, things change you. I mean, obviously moving to Miami and becoming part of the NBA has given me a different perspective on style than I had when I lived in Chicago or Milwaukee.

Before I came to Milwaukee, I'd heard the city was the most segregated in the country. I'd heard it was racist. When I got here, it was extremely segregated. I've never lived in a city this segregated.

I could make thousands of dollars in Broadway musicals, but among the best experiences I had was doing 'Hamlet' in Milwaukee and a version of 'Cyrano' that my wife wrote for me on a bus-and-truck tour.

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