Misogyny runs deeper than religion.

Misogyny is the death of the heart.

The woman in you is the worry in me.

You evil thing, why do you haunt me?

I've been a bad, bad girl - I've been careless with a delicate man.

Why are you wearing that negligee? Sure makes it hard to walk away.

When women criticize men it's called feminism. When men criticize women it's called misogyny

Between Newt Gingrich, [Rudi] Giuliani and Chris Christie, they've got like the trifecta of misogyny.

I think what you've seen from Donald Trump is this whole election cycle, there's been a level of misogyny that has become certain and fixed.

Because to me, there is no logic of any kind behind misogyny. Therefore, it’s funny, because it’s so completely random to me. It’s senseless.

Can currently existing religion be disentangled from the misogyny of its texts, its traditions, and its practices? ... a resounding NO: misogyny not only pervades the major faiths, it's baked in.

In the chapter called "On Being a Woman in Politics," we have to come to grips with the endemic sexism and misogyny. Of course, it's not just in politics. It's in business. We have seen a lot of that coming out of Silicon Valley, and it's in the media, it's in culture. We know that.

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