Art is a jealous mistress.

Mistress Mary Quite Contrary

Chess is a beautiful mistress.

In the dark, all cats are grey.

Humor is the mistress of tears.

Life is the mistress to be wooed.

Want is the mistress of invention

I have this mistress: show business.

Unanimity is the mistress of strength.

Necessity is a violent school-mistress.

Commerce has made all winds her mistress.

Opinion, a sovereign mistress of effects.

My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun

Chess is a good mistress but a bad master.

Look upon me, Mistress. Watch as I wither!

Cultural relevance can be a cruel mistress.

Ultimately, music is a possessive mistress.

Be a mistress to none, but all good to some.

I will be calm. I will be mistress of myself.

MySpace is my wife... Facebook is my mistress.

Necessity is the mistress and guide of nature.

A young mistress is better than an old master.

A lover's soul lives in the body of his mistress.

Obey the muse, Liz said. She's a fickle mistress.

Literature is a splendid mistress, but a bad wife.

Fame is a jealous mistress And will brook no rival.

Riches are a good hand maiden, but a poor mistress.

I remain Mistress of mine own self and mine own soul

Mistress: Something between a mister and a mattress.

The violin is my mistress, but the guitar is my master.

Landscape is my mistress - 'tis to her I look for fame.

I regard England as my wife and America as my mistress.

Others go to bed with their mistresses; I with my ideas.

I'm married to the theater but my mistress is the films.

Even a faithful mistress can be bent by constant threats.

Even a faithful mistress can be bent by constant threats.

Medicine is a jealous mistress. It demands all your time.

Curiosity is a mistress whose slaves decline no sacrifice.

When a man marries his mistress it creates a job opportunity.

One is bound to one's wife, but has a bond to one's mistress.

Dreadful sorry mistress. Ma always said I was too silly to die

Truth and freedom, having few lovers, are demanding mistresses.

Memory is a cruel mistress with whom we all must learn to dance.

Mistress-like, its brilliance vain, highly capricious and inane.

I would be heartbroken if I found out my husband had a mistress.

I am married to the theater, and the films are only my mistress.

The more one loves a mistress, the more one is ready to hate her.

A man who marries his mistress leaves a vacancy in that position.

Simplicity is the most deceitful mistress that ever betrayed man.

Listening is one of the lesser-known skills that mistresses offer.

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