My parents, especially my mother, were no influence on me whatsoever.

When my mom was pregnant with me, my parents moved from France to America.

My parents, specially my mom wanted me to pursue B.Com honours during my undergrad.

I've always wanted to be sure my parents approve of what I do. Even with my tattoos, my mom went with me.

Parents will be parents. Even now, my mom asks me sometimes, 'When are you going to go back and get a real job?'

It was a blast growing up in a house where you have motivating parents, and my mom would always challenge me no matter what it was.

When my parents were paying for my sport, it wasn't just me out on the ice. Pretty much every dollar my mom made teaching went into my skating.

Growing up watching WWE, they used to have bra-and-panties matches or pillow fights, and that's why my mom didn't want me to watch wrestling. But when my parents divorced, I was able to watch wrestling again, and that's when I started to really get into wrestlers like Ivory.

I didn't have a lot of skin care products when I was a kid - my parents were very au naturale - and I think I was about 9 years old when my girlfriend told me she used Biore. I was like, 'Hmm, never heard of it.' So my mom took me to the store, and I picked out five different things and have been literally using it ever since.

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