I don't think of it at the moment, but the roles that interest me are those of young people.

I didn't get into acting to have a moment, I got into it because of people who've inspired me, like Judi Dench, Holly Hunter, and Jodie Foster.

My professional background has prepared me for a moment like this - to confront and defeat a deadly virus that threatens Americans and people around the globe.

I like drawing people in the airport or on the bus or in venues. I like catching people in the moment. It's a similar inspiration for me in terms of songwriting.

They told me at the end of that test that they wanted me to be a part of this project. I walked out and had a moment of clarity where I thought, not many people will ever have this moment.

The one moment above all that fans bring up from my career when they run into me is the Savage match. Here it is, 30 years later, and everywhere I go that's what people want to talk about.

I've always done drama, but I suppose 'Tyrannosaur' was a bit of a watershed moment for me. It was like when Kathy Burke did 'Nil By Mouth' - suddenly, people were saying, 'Oh, she can do that, too.'

People will come up to me at live events or wherever and have me sign Canadian flags or the old 'Team Canada' shirt and have me talk about those days back in 'Team Canada,' so it's a moment that I'm proud of.

It was very punk rock for me to take a stab at working with Justin Bieber. I don't know how people portray that, or 'Climax,' for that matter. But for me, it was the most adventurous thing I could have done at that exact moment.

I take each thing as it comes and appreciate everything that's in front of me now because people in this industry are so fixated on the next thing that they don't enjoy the moment. It passes you by, and all of a sudden, it's over.

When people approach me, it's a vulnerable moment for everybody. You can see that sometimes people don't quite know what to say to you, but they want to come up to you, and you can tell they're nervous, and it's really humbling and endearing.

For me, getting on a knee and praying is a very special deal for me. A very special moment. For me, it was honoring that and not letting people go out there and make a mockery of it and do a lot of different things and just kind of keeping it safe.

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