Morgan Freeman is a very giving actor.

Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman are just incredible.

I would love to work with Morgan Freeman. I love him.

Morgan Freeman is so class. He's so cool. He's so scary.

A favorite cast? Lisa Kudrow, Anthony Hopkins, Gene Hackman, Morgan Freeman, and my wife.

You don't try to do anything that Morgan Freeman does. He was the voice of God in a movie. That's Morgan Freeman!

I've always kinda wanted to work with Morgan Freeman, Tom Cruise, and people like that. Probably Will Smith, too.

I always figured I would live long enough to see a black president. The movies predicted it. Usually, Morgan Freeman.

I want to keep on progressing. I definitely think acting is a long process to be one of the greats like Morgan Freeman or Jack Nicholson.

99.9% of the time, the people we see worked for it. People like Morgan Freeman and Harry Connick, Jr. work every day to continue the status that they have.

I love men that love women. Morgan Freeman, who I worked with on 'RED,' was very flattering to me. But he is flattering to all women. He is a woman-charmer.

In 1994, nobody could have predicted 'Shawshank' would one day be an iconic movie - and believe me, that would never have happened if Danny Glover had been Red instead of Morgan Freeman.

'The Story of Us with Morgan Freeman' is a reminder that people across the world are rebelling against norms and forging new paths for the most marginalized people in their own communities.

Someone I met years ago explained to me the difference between a personality and an actor, a personality being Eddie Murphy or Roseanne Barr, and an actor being Morgan Freeman and Alfre Woodard or Marlon Brando.

Obviously, when you walk into a room and see people like Ashley Judd and Morgan Freeman and Charles Martin Smith behind the camera, it's big time. You just try not to think about it, try and keep up, hold on for the ride.

If you want someone who is sort of still, has a bit of an edge, is older, you get Morgan Freeman. If you want someone who can carry a gun and still play a father, you get Danny Glover. My category is 'that guy who happens to be black.'

You know, I remember watching Morgan Freeman when he did the two Alex Cross movies, and he's so confident that he's going to knock the scene dead. And I'm really confident that I can tell a good story now, so I just don't worry about things.

I liked it because it was such a dangerous script and showed just what human beings are capable of. Here was a movie in which Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt, who always win in every movie they ever do, simply don't win. I felt that was outrageous for a commercial movie.

I remember years ago being on the set of 'Dreamcatcher' and not only did I have such great admiration for Morgan Freeman and was just thrilled to be around him, I was struck by the fact that he seemed to be having perhaps more fun than I was at his job. And I thought, 'Well, that's very promising.'

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