It has all been most interesting.

I am the most interesting book of all.

What's in front of me is what's most interesting.

That which is most personal, is most interesting.

Put your characters where they are the most interesting.

The most interesting thing about artists is how they live

What is the most interesting thing to people? Other people.

The most interesting hipsters are ones who stop being hipsters.

The thing that doesn't fit is the thing that is most interesting.

The most interesting part of my life is of no concern to the public.

I have literally played the most interesting parts since I turned 40.

The most interesting nerds are the ones who take offense to being called nerds.

What's most interesting to me is when [Tony DiNozzo] is just madly inappropriate.

There are men who are wanting in the comparative, they as a rule are the most interesting.

What's most interesting about some books is the question: How did this crap ever get published?

The karma that is most interesting is the mental karma because ultimately it generates physical action.

The most interesting thing about change in the environment is that for the most part the environment isn't changing.

I didn't read about it for school. It was just for myself. I was interested in cults in general but Jonestown was the most interesting of all the cults I studied.

Celebrities are fun, but you don't really get a lot out of them. It's not like they're going to sit and tell you the most interesting thing, unless you're friends with them.

To me, the most interesting approach to film noir is subjective. The genre is really all about not knowing what's going on around you, and that fear of the unknown. The only way to do that effectively is to really get into the maze, rather than look at the maze from above, so that's where I sort of come at it.

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