I didn't like mundane life.

Eternity ended ten years ago.

I want to elevate the mundane.

Time had changed the magical to mundane

To be mundane and poor is the curse of life!

My life is too mundane for anyone to write up.

The mundane and the sacred are one and the same.

The only training for the heroic is the mundane.

I do not get caught up in mundane, routine things.

I like to make the mundane fabulous whenever I can.

The daily work on special effects is fairly mundane.

What will you do in the mundane days of faithfulness?

I had a mundane, happy childhood, without much struggle.

Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous.

Commonplaces are the tramways of intellectual transportation.

Mantras are passwords that transform the mundane into the sacred.

I just really like seeing mundane stuff in movies. It's realistic.

In the mundane, nothing is sacred. In sacredness, nothing is mundane.

To practice nonviolence in mundane matters is to know its true value.

Computers will be able to do all the mundane tasks in our daily lives.

Hyperbolic headlines always attract more attention than mundane truths.

An intellectual is someone who avoids the mundane by lowering his handicap.

Tis the taste of effeminacy that disrelishes ordinary and accustomed things.

God gets the great stories. Novelists must make do with more mundane fictions.

One of the major complaints for long-running shows is that they become mundane.

I don't think there is a life in the mundane 9-to-5 hypocrisy. That's not living.

My love for nonviolence is superior to every other thing, mundane or super mundane.

I have always thought music as a way out of the ordinary mundane obligations of life.

I'm always interested in linking dance to mundane behavior that everyone can relate to.

I think music on television is just uniformly dreadful. It is mundane, it says nothing.

There's something rich and nourishing in the mundane - that isn't sparkly or red carpet.

Life tends to be an accumulation of a lot of mundane decisions, which often gets ignored.

What excites me is just taking some time to breathe in life. The mundane is very exciting.

As far as my favorite sites, I do a lot of mundane stuff on line because I travel so much.

Nothing as mundane as mere evidence can be allowed to threaten a vision so deeply satisfying.

There's something that's really fun about the challenge of making the mundane funny, too, I think.

I think you can find all the elements that you can find in great literature in mundane experiences.

There are no mundane things outside of Buddhism, and there is no Buddhism outside of mundane things.

She'd never have allowed herself to be held by anything as mundane as a few bars and a reinforced door

When you play a character for so long, it's easy to get disengaged, and it becomes mundane and routine.

I don't think music teaches about mundane, everyday life. It teaches us what it is to be a human being.

If I sit down to write a joke about, whatever, the polluted Gulf of Mexico, it comes out mundane to me.

We're horribly mundane, aggressively mundane individuals. We're the ninjas of the mundane, you might say.

I always end up hurting myself doing something mundane. If I have to do some complicated stunt, I'm fine.

I take songwriting very seriously and I wouldn't want anything I do to be construed as frivolous or mundane.

Even the mundane task may have something to teach you - especially if it's a task you haven't performed before.

Grief reveals itself in the most mundane activities, like eating. It's never when you're looking at old pictures.

Huge numbers of embassy cables are labeled 'unclassified' or 'limited official use' and deal with mundane matters.

Normally, when you do a movie, you have those mundane days when it's like, 'Today is the scene where I get coffee.'

Who knows whether in retirement I shall be tempted to the last infirmity of mundane minds, which is to write a book.

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