My passion for music has always inspired my designs.

Music has always been my passion for as long as I can remember.

I've always had a deep passion for a lot of early electronic and sampled music.

I've always loved to incorporate music into acting because I have a passion for both.

I've always had a passion for music, but I never saw me as a musician for a living. I never thought that I could make a living. It never dawned on me.

I grew up seeing my parents perform and sing, and I just always wanted to be singing, too. Music has always been my deepest passion and what I felt most connected to.

Music was always encouraged as a passion and a hobby, but I was never told, 'This should be your job. You write music and record for a living.' It doesn't happen for people.

I always listen to music, my passion and vice is music, I will be denied access to heaven because of the number of CDs I own, and I have gluttony for all types and colours of music.

I'm very grateful I went to school to study law, particularly tax law, which really is interesting to me and very useful to me now with my position. Music, however, will always be my number one passion; I like how it connects everyone.

When it comes to acting, I've always had a passion for entertaining and for making people laugh. On the music side, I really want to come out as an artist because I want people to see who I really am... artistically, I tend to be drawn to the darker things. What the music will be able to do is show people that I am an adult now.

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