Perhaps it is our obligation to be noble before it is our obligation to be happy.

'Tis more noble to forgive, and more manly to despise, than to revenge an Injury.

Labor! all labor is noble and holy! Let thy great deeds be thy prayer to thy God.

To deal with individual human needs at the everyday level can be noble sometimes.

He who duly esteemeth Christ, is a noble bidder, and so a noble and liberal buyer.

No-thing less splendid than a golden sepulchre would have suited so noble a heart.

There is no limit to the noble aspirations which the words "my country" may evoke.

A noble mind disdains to hide his head, And let his foes triumph in his overthrow.

Where pity is, for pity makes the world Soft to the weak and noble for the strong.

Chill penury repress'd their noble rage, And froze the genial current of the soul.

Though plunged in ills and exercised in care, Yet never let the noble mind despair.

My fellow revolutionaries, liberation is a noble cause. We must fight to obtain it.

Those who are nothing particular are noble people. Don't strive - just be ordinary.

By which I get my wealth-- And very gladly will I drink Your Honour's noble health.

All noble enthusiasms pass through a feverish stage, and grow wiser and more serene

The shaming of Washington, insofar as it is even possible, is a very noble pursuit.

That which in mean men we entitle patience is pale cold cowardice in noble breasts.

The task must be made difficult, for only the difficult inspires the noble-hearted.

There is a noble manner of being poor, and who does not know it will never be rich.

There is a noble manner of being poor, and who does not know it will never be rich.

A noble heart, like the sun, showeth its greatest countenance in its lowest estate.

Idealism is the noble toga that political gentlemen drape over their will to power.

O Laziness, mother of the arts and noble virtues, be thou the balm of human anguish.

If you look at Victorian England, being a soldier was considered a noble profession.

Every noble life leaves the fibre of it interwoven forever in the work of the world.

Meditation while walking has a long, noble history in ancient spiritual disciplines.

Sometimes a noble failure serves the world as faithfully as a distinguished success.

All noble enthusiasms pass through a feverish stage, and grow wiser and more serene.

Noble causes have a deplorable effect on the morals of the persons who espouse them.

For a noble heart, the most precious gift becomes poor, when the giver stops loving.

I love to walk into Borders or Barnes & Noble and see my books there. It's fabulous.

To do good is noble. To tell others to do good is even nobler and much less trouble.

For young people always begin by loving exaggeration, that infirmity of noble minds.

Politics is a profession; a serious, complicated and, in its true sense, a noble one.

Patience is a noble virtue, and, when rightly exercised, does not fail of its reward.

It is not difficult to govern. All one has to do is not to offend the noble families.

There is nothing more noble than putting yourself in the line of fire to save a life.

A noble craft, but somehow a most melancholy! All noble things are touched with that.

Isaiah rolled his eyes. "Good God. What a noble lot. You're all Spartacus, aren't you?

Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world.

Have all the hopes of ages come to naught? Is life no more with noble meaning fraught?

It is noble to grant life to the vanquished. [Lat., Pulchrum est vitam donare minori.]

Noble descent and worth, unless united with wealth, are esteemed no more than seaweed.

Ridicule often checks what is absurd, and fully as often smothers that which is noble.

A noble purpose inspires sacrifice, stimulates innovation and encourages perseverance.

I play for high stakes and given an audience - there is no act too daring or too noble.

Maybe this was how you stayed sane in wartime: a handful of noble deeds amid the chaos.

Safeguarding the rights of others is the most noble and beautiful end of a human being.

A noble heart cannot suspect in others the pettiness and malice that it has never felt.

Noble character is best appreciated in those ages in which it can most readily develop.

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