Scoring a goal is very important for us, but the objective is to win the match.

Show me a man who claims he is objective and I'll show you a man with illusions.

In a balanced organization, working towards a common objective, there is success.

I have many moods, and there is no objective reality. And I kind of live by that.

The Champions League must not be an objective but instead a dream for us to pursue.

I believe the reason I love painting so much is that it forces one to be objective.

Bodybuilding is not my main objective in life. It's just something I do on the side.

I always said that VAR is a very important tool on objective and important decisions.

The objective of a terrorist is to create political change in the society he targets.

When a thing is done, it's done. Don't look back. Look forward to your next objective.

If we can't agree on objective truth, then how are we ever going to agree on opinions?

Growth is not an objective in itself; we should be concerned with standards of living.

Understanding truth is the primary objective of science, not doing good for the world.

Songwriting has really allowed me to enjoy life and look at it from an objective place.

I want to be known as a guy who breaks tackles; that's the whole objective of the game.

Many people who have watched 'Pieta' have said my filmmaking has become more objective.

In my capacity as a board member of the OfS, I hope to be impartial, objective, and fair.

I don't really believe that documentary is objective reality and fiction is all illusion.

When you're doing superhero stunts, the objective is to look as cool as humanly possible.

We take each game as it comes and just focus on the objective. All we can do is our best.

I just want to entertain; that is my main objective and what comes before everything else.

My only objective is to paint a Christ so moving that those who see him will be converted.

Every opportunity that presents itself, my main objective is to conquer and be victorious.

You pay a price when you have an objective sentencing system. That is, nothing is perfect.

Our only objective is to find solutions to get us through the challenges we face each day.

Sometimes as an artist you get wrapped up in what you are doing and you can't be objective.

A set definite objective must be established if we are to accomplish anything in a big way.

The prism through which you experience life is so unique. There is no objective experience.

Environment conservation without stagnating development is the objective of our government.

I was a lousy journalist. I could never be objective. Sometimes I invented the whole story.

A lot of weird things happen in life that are not always pertaining to your main objective.

There is a tendency to seek an objective account of everything before admitting its reality.

The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history.

Ads create dialogue, they create conversation, they create attention - that's our objective.

Slowly but surely, we are acquiring that famous culture of democracy, which is our objective.

To sum it all up, the objective of my life has been to give work a moral and economic dignity.

I don't think you can tell the objective truth about a person. That's why people write novels.

It's a challenge for monetary policy to communicate that our inflation objective is 2 percent.

As for being an objective journalist? That's easy. I want what everyone else wants: the truth.

In a difficult and uncertain environment, Renault remains on track to meet its 2012 objective.

I am not the most objective viewer of my own work. So I have different thoughts about my work.

People should feel proud about the music that we have in our country, and that's my objective.

I learnt a lesson that you mustn't worry what people think if you are achieving your objective.

My objective was never to make money. I wanted to contribute to human knowledge and betterment.

As long as I can help the team achieve its objective, then I am happy playing anywhere upfront.

I believe that, in any novel of mine, the principal objective is the construction of the whole.

I believe in therapy, and I believe an objective opinion sometimes helps you be a better person.

But man has still another powerful resource: natural science with its strictly objective methods.

Management by objective works - if you know the objectives. Ninety percent of the time you don't.

But when you're in something together, it's very hard to be objective and you're very subjective.

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