Its smallness is not petty; on the contrary, it is profound.

Hence we did not foster competition in our school, on the contrary.

We don't get tired of winning titles. On the contrary it's a lot of fun.

Acting doesn't bring anything to a text. On the contrary, it detracts from it.

On the contrary, woman is the best equipped fighting machine that ever went to battle.

I don't have a death wish. On the contrary, I'm hanging onto my life like never before.

What is earnest is not always true; on the contrary, error is often more earnest than truth.

On the contrary, I'm a strong believer in the necessity of imperfection coming into the film.

There's a myth that in Arab countries, they all like Palestinians. They don't. On the contrary.

We do not live to think, but, on the contrary, we think in order that we may succeed in surviving.

People are saying I am against the chador. I am not. On the contrary. I am for traditional family values.

Truth, like light, blinds. Falsehood, on the contrary, is a beautiful twilight that enhances every object.

Never walk away from failure. On the contrary, study it carefully and imaginatively for its hidden assets.

Acting in different languages doesn't stop you from growing; on the contrary, for an artiste, it helps a lot.

Globalization, far from putting an end to power diplomacy between States, has, on the contrary, intensified it.

It's fun to work with men. They don't bully you. On the contrary, they guide you and become one of your buddies.

Muslims are not ashamed of their Prophet's teaching about war. On the contrary, for us it is a great source of pride.

Gold, on the contrary, though of little use compared with air or water, will exchange for a great quantity of other goods.

Russia is not engaged in a fight against Daesh in Syria. On the contrary, they are actually targeting moderate opposition.

I'm not at all an active feminist. On the contrary, I'm a bourgeois. I love family life, I love doing the same thing every day.

I never saw fairy tales as an escape or a cop-out... On the contrary, speaking for myself, it is the way to understand reality.

I love the game, and I do not feel that I have sacrificed anything. On the contrary, I feel privileged to do something that I love.

No Man is richer for having his Estate all in Money, Plate, etc. lying by him, but on the contrary, he is for that reason the poorer.

The true artist doesn't substitute immorality for morality. On the contrary, he always substitutes a finer morality for a grosser one.

I think my Wallander stories give a fairly good image of the world in the 1990s. I don't regret anything about that - on the contrary!

I've never thought of my characters as being sad. On the contrary, they are full of life. They didn't choose tragedy. Tragedy chose them.

Knowledge is not simply another commodity. On the contrary. Knowledge is never used up. It increases by diffusion and grows by dispersion.

For the poet the credo or doctrine is not the point of arrival but is, on the contrary, the point of departure for the metaphysical journey.

I didn't abandon everything at a moment's notice - on the contrary. I returned to France from America, leaving the 'Large Glass' unfinished.

I don't mean that literary fiction is better than genre fiction, On the contrary; novels can perform two functions and most perform only one.

The shallow consider liberty a release from all law, from every constraint. The wise man sees in it, on the contrary, the potent Law of Laws.

Aamir is a very mature and understanding person. Our relationship has not harmed my career in any way; on the contrary, it has helped me a lot.

Even if somebody in your family is successful, it doesn't change anything. On the contrary, I suppose people expect more of you in certain ways.

Among the southern tribes, on the contrary, hats were sometimes worn in the dance, although this was not considered in strict accordance with the doctrine.

This assumes an upward revision of the European Budget, which is precisely what Jacques Chirac refuses to do. On the contrary, he has demanded a reduction.

Part of what we did is change that misconception that reggaeton is machista and misogynist. On the contrary, women are our biggest fans, and they inspire us.

Socialism, on the contrary, extends its function to the description of society as it should be, and the discovery of the means of making it what it should be.

On the contrary. Internationalism also recognizes, by its very name, that nations do exist. It simply limits their scope more than one-sided nationalism does.

I submit, on the other hand, most respectfully, that the Constitution not merely does not affirm that principle, but, on the contrary, altogether excludes it.

Trump critics such as myself have been accused of living in a bubble. On the contrary, it is Trump's supporters in the 1 percent who breathed their own fumes.

Relativism is not indifference; on the contrary, passionate indifference is necessary in order for you not to hear the voices that oppose your absolute decrees.

To sum up, there is no evidence that a world without nuclear weapons would be a dangerous world. On the contrary, it would be a safer world, as I will show later.

On the contrary, I tried on numerous occasions to convince the American president not to go to war. I did what was within my capabilities to avoid that happening.

I don't think the world will destroy itself in a nuclear cataclysm. On the contrary, we have the capacity to save ourselves and save the planet, and we will use it.

On the contrary, all the world would point to that nation as violating a treaty, by going to war with a country with whom they had engaged to enter into arbitration.

Some people think that your life changes for the worse when you become a father, but on the contrary, when my daughter was born, she brought light and joy into my life.

Yes, free markets tend to produce unequal incomes. We should not be ashamed of that. On the contrary, our system is the envy of the world and should be a source of pride.

On the contrary, the characteristic element of the present situation is that economic questions have finally and irrevocably invaded the domain of public life and politics.

God's word is always effective and produces whatever it expresses. My words, on the contrary, cannot create anything; I can only change what already is into something else.

On the contrary, it might even be a projection of what the truth is of the Bush Administration's complacency and ineptitude on the terrorism in its first 9 months in office.

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