Pardon me while I lower my voice.

Pardon me I've got nothing to say.

God will pardon me. It is His trade.

I pardon him, as God shall pardon me.

We pardon to the extent that we love.

Where there is injury let me sow pardon.

Pardon me for loitering in front of an orchestra.

What is tolerance? It is the consequence of humanity.

Be assured that if you knew all, you would pardon all.

Pardon me, Highness, a women waits whithout." "Whithout what?

I think that's easier to read. Pardon me. Less difficult to read.

When I was a kid, I really loved Indians. Native Americans. Pardon. Me.

You must pardon me, gentlemen, for being a most unconscionable time a-dying.

You'll pardon me gentlemen if I make the fight short. I have a train to catch.

If there is something to pardon in everything, there is also something to condemn.

What did one say to a stalker? Um, pardon me, Mr.Stalker, but could you, like, not?

We are all serving a life sentence, and good behavior is our only hope for a pardon.

Pardon me, dear human self, capable of the most heinous degradation, capable of soaring.

If any foes of mine are there, I pardon every one: I hope that man and womankind will do the same by me.

Pardon me, Mr. Craig, but how are we going to defense Mr. McCovey... in the upper deck or the lower deck?

Pardon me for breathing, which I never do any way so I don’t know why I bother to say it, oh God, I’m so depressed.

Do you know anybody who's come back with a firsthand report on heaven? If you do, let me know. Until then, you'll pardon me if I don't buy it.

Pardon me, but there’s someone on the phone who says they have a call for you.” There’s a call to tell me I have a call?” he asked with heavy skepticism.

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