Poverty is multidimensional. It extends beyond money incomes to ...

Poverty is multidimensional. It extends beyond money incomes to education, health care, political participation and advancement of one's own culture and social organisation.

A robust democracy requires active participation.

Participation is easily obtained with Latin chant.

Hope is born of participation in hopeful solutions.

Conflict cannot survive without your participation.

Participation - that's what's gonna save the human race.

For insurance solvency, ongoing plan participation is vital.

Participation, I think, or one of the best methods of educating.

Any participation, even in the smallest public function, is useful.

Openness and participation are antidotes to surveillance and control.

Our constitutional democracy demands our participation, all the time.

The more we can encourage participation, I think the better off we are.

Participation in international events has given me a lot of experience.

Investing for the poor requires participation from the entire community.

I can't imagine the right wing trying to unite without my participation.

There's a lot of audience participation in 'Rock of Ages' and 'Rocky Horror.'

God helped me crown my football career with a participation in the World Cup.

Yes, I'm ashamed of my participation as a taxpayer in American drone bombing.

The Obama economy has led to the lowest labor force participation since 1978.

We can and must move U.S. politics forward by means of committed participation.

English is the key to full participation in the opportunities of American life.

A film becomes hit with the equal participation of every actors and crew members.

Audience participation should extend from on-stage to backstage to under the stage

We are looking for rebuilding Hungarian defence Industry with India's participation.

Our democracy relies on participation, and we've never done better by excluding folks.

Any solution for the Iraqi problem cannot be reached without Arabs and Arab participation.

I am committed to growing participation in the political process and doing it the right way.

There's no way that if you get participation out of a person can they say you didn't rock it.

I'm a singer and performer in a hybrid show that's standup, music and audience participation.

It is only by participation in a rational, practice-based community that one becomes rational.

The making of thoughts is the most common instance of human participation in the creative act.

The Bush administration doesn't particularly like public participation. It makes them look bad.

After the success of 'Smokey,' my profit participation only went up on future movies I directed.

I will go to my grave believing that participation is best driven by the well-stocked shop window.

We always hear about the rights of democracy, but the major responsibility of it is participation.

I think a 'no' vote is giving the victor, whoever that may be, the win without your participation.

Equal pay for equal work isn't, 'Here, I'll give this to you.' It's confidence, it's participation.

I have decided to end my participation in public affairs and to resign my role as premier of Quebec.

Earned sick leave gives workers a lot more confidence and adds to their participation in the economy.

I was participating in my own lynching, but the problem was I didn't know what I was being lynched for.

The Crown Prince has said he needs to broaden political participation in the governing of Saudi Arabia.

Republican liberty depends on citizen participation, on a government that is of, for, and by the people.

If you are teaching your child to be content with a participation award, then you already failed at life.

Our missionary activities are only authentic insofar as they reflect participation in the mission of God.

Please continue to voice your beliefs, as your participation is the foundation of our country's democracy.

A multi-polar world can not exist without recognising the status and participation of developing countries.

I think public sector banks need to have greater private participation of people who have skin in the game.

My parents really doted on me in so many ways. They had an intense love and participation in my well-being.

Participation in and of itself is an act against hopelessness. Speaking up is a gesture against hopelessness.

Since the civil war in Laos was resumed in earnest in 1963, American participation has been veiled in secrecy.

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