Jack Paar was my first TV patron saint.

She was a patron saint of the peripheral.

I want to be like the patron saint of reality.

I'm regarded as the patron saint of manicurists.

William Bennett is my patron saint, one of them. Redd Foxx is another.

All backups take their cue from Elrod Hendricks, the patron saint of erstwhile catchers.

Let's get on our knees and pray. I don't know to whom. Is there a patron saint of ballistics gel?

As a student of Alice Waters, the patron saint of salad, I'm no stranger to the art of lettuce washing.

The patron saint of outlining - the bespectacled siren who sings to me from his spotless rock - is P. G. Wodehouse.

Before a big event, I usually go to church and light a candle for St. Sebastian, who is the patron saint of athletes.

Bill Gates has become the patron saint of philanthropy and the poster child of rebirth, and from what I can tell, rightly so.

Tennyson seems to be the patron saint of the wishy washies, which is perhaps why I admire him so much, not only as a poet, but as a man.

I'm such a Shangela fan. I think she exemplifies 'Drag Race' greatness. She's like the Tiffany 'New York' Pollard of 'Drag Race.' She's like a patron saint of reality TV.

Christianity has its own superstition, anyway: Why you turn three times, what this saint means, why you pray to the patron saint of lost causes, why you go this way or that way.

All Scouts should know about St. George. St. George is the Patron Saint of England; he is also the Patron Saint of cavalry in all countries, and therefore Patron Saint of Scouts.

You know, Christianity has its own superstition anyway: Why you turn three times, what this saint means, why you pray to the patron saint of lost causes, why you go this way or that way.

Truman has become the patron saint of failed presidents because he left office with a 27 percent approval rating, and people were saying, 'To err is Truman,' yet look at what he did: the Marshall Plan, the creation of NATO, the Truman Doctrine.

Presidents in wartime, embattled presidents, unpopular presidents, they all look to Lincoln. He's their patron saint because no president was more embattled or more unpopular than Lincoln was during his presidency. We think he was born on Mount Rushmore. Not so.

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