My first payback to society in life, was The Dolphin Project.

Anytime you want to lay off the paybacks God, that'd be great.

In other words, fiction is payback for those who have wronged you.

Old habits die hard, I guess. If you dont kick them, they kick you.

Justice is blind until she gets the person that blinded her. Then it's payback time.

There's something rotten in the state of Denmark, and Hamlet's payback time!

It was obvious that their profits were simply cash borrowed from destiny with some random payback time.

I've never worried about payback. People are hungry for leadership that's not afraid of political consequence.

I was delighted with the film [Payback: Debt and the Shadow Side of Wealth]; it almost made me want to be a film-maker!

Revenge is not worthy of you. If you concentrate on revenge, you will keep those wounds fresh that would otherwise have healed.

This is payback, isn't it?" Jim glared at me. "Don't be ridiculous," I told him. "As the Consort of the Pack, I'm far above petty revenge.

Everyone dies whether one is good in their lifetime or evil in their lifetime. So virtue has no payback. Life is meaningless. When you die, you die!

Before we can even begin to grapple with the frustrations and tragedies of life in this world, we must do away with our faithless morality of payback and reward.

You can't get there alone. People have to help you, and I do believe in karma. I believe in paybacks. You get people to help you by telling the truth, by being earnest.

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