There are always more people to prove wrong.

People always call it luck when you've acted more sensibly than they have.

I mean, I would always like to play bigger places and play for more people.

Here is the simple but powerful rule... always give people more than they expect to get.

I've always loved reprehensible people because they're so much more interesting to play on screen.

I always maintain that the film industry and film people across the globe are more or less the same.

I'm one of those people who always tries to overachieve. I want to do more. I want to do bigger things.

People always say, 'Why don't you play more sets in Texas?' and I say, 'Dude, why don't you come babysit?'

When people are economically or socially dislocated, they are always more vulnerable to being radicalized.

I always say, I have been fired from more jobs than most people would ever have had in their entire career.

I've always had a tendency to be much more optimistic about people than I should be. I'd like to be a little shrewder.

I got interested in the question of literacy because writers are always moaning about why more people don't read books.

People perceive opera and classical as elitist - I disagree. I've always tried to mix the two, make it more accessible.

Growing up in Wales, there was a lot of fervour about being Welsh. But the more that I travelled, I realised that people aren't always interested in where you're from, but who you are.

People always ask what a book is about, as if it has to be about something. I don't want to write books that lend themselves to that sort of description. My books are more a kind of breaking-down.

I've had albums out since the 1970s. I was in a musical, 'The Boy Friend,' directed by Ken Russell, and I was on Broadway in 'My One And Only' with Tommy Tune, so I've always been a singer, but I suppose people think of my modelling more.

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