People say I have a distorted lens. I think I see things as they really are.

I like the idea of subversively communicating with people... so that you make people see things in different ways.

Insight essentially means being able to see things other people are not able to see. This is the hallmark of leadership.

When marginalized people gain voice and center their own experiences, things begin changing. And we see this in all kinds of grassroots movements.

Effectiveness comes from those qualitative things that give you the ability to network, communicate, and lead people toward an outcome they can't see.

Some people, you can see that they're in a house just because it functions OK for them. It checks the boxes for certain things that they need, but you can tell that they're not emotionally connected to the house.

You do get a lot of people complaining if you don't do songs they have come to expect. I have to be careful about fulfilling that side of things and keeping it fresh for other people who have come to see the show.

I like flawed characters, and I like seeing people who are supposed to be not villains but antagonists. There are elements to them, which are really annoying, but you kind of see where they came from. You see the things that caused those inadequacies.

There are a few other things that I built when I was at Harvard that were kind of smaller versions of Facebook. One such program was this program called Match. People could enter the different courses that they were taking, and see what other courses would be correlated with the courses they are taking.

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