I need to stand up for the people of Wisconsin.

I think people are hungry for someone who will stand up on principle.

I want people to use my story to stand up, be strong-willed and persevere.

More people should stand up and not be afraid to do things that mean something to them.

You need to have people within your own party that have the wherewithal to stand up to you.

Some people's developmental path has not equipped them to stand up and let go of something.

I try not to cancel people. But at some point, we got to stand up and say, hey, right is right, wrong is wrong.

Animals don't have anyone to protect them. If we don't stand up, the people who are harming animals will never get stopped.

When a profit-seeking company proposes to take citizens' private land away for its own gain, people should stand up for their rights.

We need someone who is going to stand up, speak up, and speak out for the people who need help, for the people who have been discriminated against.

Being a comedian, it's hard. People hear 'YouTuber,' and they automatically think, 'a social warrior,' and you have to stand up for all these things.

Although I was entirely relaxed on camera, if I had to stand up and say something to an assembled group of people, I was rendered all but inarticulate.

I come from a blue-collar town - and being from that place, you learn not to let anybody take advantage of you. You don't let people mistreat you. You stand up for what's right.

Acting is the only medium were people think they can just stand up and do it because they can say lines, but that is not so much the case. You have to study styles and techniques.

Mo Brooks is serious about making sure we fulfill our campaign promises ,and if anyone is willing to stand up to Leader McConnell on behalf of the people of Alabama it's Mo Brooks.

The Senate Majority Leader has the unilateral ability to stand up and say, 'If you defy Congress, if you defy the Constitution, if you defy the American people, none of your nominees will be confirmed.'

TIVO executives stand up and say, 'Well, we're not getting rid of commercials, but we are letting them fast forward, because people like commercials, and if they see one that they like they stop and watch it.' I mean, please.

I think people are always going to say things about you or disapprove of your relationships or your ideals or your beliefs or something, but I think you have to stand up and stay strong in who you are and not let it affect you.

If the American people make their voices heard and put enough pressure on Congress, we can restore fairness in our economic system, do what's right for the middle class, and show that Congress can stand up to special interests.

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