I was never the girl who walked down the centre of the hallway snapping people out of her way.

Jobs that cannot be delivered must never be promised. It's unfair to raise people's hopes that way.

People never think of themselves as choosing to be politically correct. They simply think in the way that they do.

I was never, like, picking on people or anything like that. I was more the other way around. I was a little insecure, I was broke.

I would say it wasn't until my fourth season on 'SNL' where people or my agent was saying, 'You're an actor.' I never thought of it that way.

The fact that ticket prices are way too expensive, and there's only one bunch of people going to see Broadway shows, is something I've never liked.

I never looked at being second banana to anybody, I never felt that way, ever. If other people did, that's the way they looked at it, but I never did.

I've never really understood people who climb socially by sucking up. It seems like the least efficient way to climb, and also the most psychologically debilitating.

When Elvis came out on stage, it became electric. And the way people responded to him was such that, you know, I never saw that kind of response toward any other performer.

I never expected this to catch on in the way it did! Of course similar observations have been made by any number of people, and the distinction is obvious to anyone who thinks about the subject a little.

I've never seen radio as the minor leagues, where I'm just really preparing to be in the show that really counts, namely, television, which is, I think, what people often assume. I've never felt that way.

I've never bought into any sort of hard and fast, this-box/that-box characterization. People are individuals. Yes, they may be expected to be a particular way. But that doesn't mean they're going to be that way.

'The Thirteenth Tale' is reminiscent of 'Wuthering Heights' because you're never sure if it's a ghost or if people have gone a bit mad; that feeling that's been channelled all the way from Bronte is a really exciting one.

I assume that - because you can get degrees in journalism from very reputable universities - I assume that people can be trained to be journalists. I've never been entirely certain that anyone can be trained to be a novelist in the same way.

Guetta, in general, what he did for the entire industry, same as Tiesto, same as Daft Punk, they paved the way for us. If Guetta didn't exist, 'Animals' would have never been played on the radio. Because of people like him and Avicii. But mainly Guetta.

I'll say it this way: AMD is a company that generates very strong opinions. There are some people who really like us and are really rooting for us. And then there are some people who say we'll never be able to compete against some of our bigger competitors.

I'd been going to the Louvre since 1951. I thought I knew Paris and the French, but I didn't really. You know how easy it is to make friends when you are traveling. People are curious about you, you are curious about them. But you never really make friends that way. After the Louvre, I discovered that I have friends now because I have enemies.

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