Of course [photography] cannot create, nor express all we want to ...

Of course [photography] cannot create, nor express all we want to express. But it can be a witness of our passage on earth, like a notebook.

I’m interested in using the iconography of nature and the American ...

I’m interested in using the iconography of nature and the American landscape as surrogates or metaphors for psychological anxiety, fear or desire

My favorite thing is to go where I've never been.

My favorite thing is to go where I've never been.

Photography is truth.

Life is once. Forever.

Sharpness is overrated.

Of course it's all luck.

Virtue is not photogenic.

Art and accident are one.

Art accepts what it finds.

Photography is my passion.

What I did, anybody can do.

Photography is an accident.

A picture is like a prayer.

Just put on the lens and go.

I am at war with the obvious.

I give the moment permanence.

Gesture is not always action.

Students were taught by doing.

All things are photographable.

Photography threatens fantasy.

A photograph can look any way.

You have to be ready for luck.

Photography is an act of love.

Photography has no dark sides!

Only photograph what you love.

All photography is propaganda.

Allow yourself to lose your way.

Photographing a cake can be art.

The best zoom lens is your legs.

The body says what words cannot.

Sharpness is a bourgeois concept

Photography is my only language.

Let the pictures do the talking!

Photography helps people to see.

It is the end result that counts.

Photography is a generous medium.

Beauty can be seen in all things.

I paint when I cannot photograph.

I always said 'yes' to everything.

The camera can photograph thought.

Good photography is unpretentious.

I came to photography by accident.

The problem suggests the solution.

Photography is painting with light

Our best pictures happen by grace.

Reality is greater than our dreams.

I never really learned photography.

Nobody can commit photography alone.

My first thought is always of light.

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