Electronic man has no physical body.

Our thinking absolutely affects the physical body.

The condition of the physical body can affect the spirit.

Always know and remember that you are more than your physical body.

At Death we are aware that we are more than just our physical bodies.

Freedom was conditioned by man's physical body, heredity, and environment.

Health is not just a physical phenomenon. We do not just have physical bodies.

Your heart can only take you so far - sometimes the physical body tells you otherwise.

I don't think much about my physical body going off into the long, green fairways of heaven to play golf.

To be a geisha, you have to have to an iron-clad layer around you - around your physical body and your heart.

The problem with doing physically ambitious art is that to view it, you still have to be in your physical body.

Our own physical body possesses a wisdom which we who inhabit the body lack. We give it orders which make no sense.

Like a physical body, a body politic must have an immune system that resists anti-Semitism and other forums of hatred.

Dualists hold that body and soul are separate entities and that the soul will continue beyond the existence of the physical body.

The sense of being a separate, egoic self begins with the astral, not with the physical, body. The soul is individualized spirit.

The poem is not a physical body. It's a textual body that has life only insofar as it can act symbolically. It cannot physically act.

I have been here before as a spirit - this is just my physical body, it is just an overcoat. And at death, you will take the overcoat off.

I feel very strongly we are spiritual beings in a physical body, and we should make our surroundings as beautiful and soulful as possible.

When you take the time to cleanse your physical body of accumulated stress and toxicity, you are rewarded with increased vitality and optimal health.

I know there's a consciousness energy that operates completely independent of the physical body you inhabit, that maintains... awareness after the body's gone.

Time plays an important role. My physical body is taking shape in space, and I see that my ideas about how we influence space with our movement is really 'matter of fact.'

I believe we have a physical body and a soul. It doesn't matter what religion you are, whether or not you believe in God. I think people believe that there is a soul and a body.

Dancing is bigger than the physical body. Think bigger than that. When you extend your arm, it doesn't stop at the end of your fingers, because you're dancing bigger than that. You're dancing spirit.

The power of the human spirit inspires me. Movies, books, stories, people, anything that reminds us that we are more than just this physical body and our capacity for love and courage can bend reality.

We have three centers: the emotional center, the intellectual center, and the physical body center. Each one of them has its own intelligence. How much better would we be if all three were working in unison?

At the moment of death, when the seed atom in the heart is ruptured, which contains all the experience of the past life in a panoramic picture, the spirit leaves its physical body, taking with it the finer bodies.

Something about being a dancer connects you to your physical body. It's primal, earthy, sexual energy by nature. You feel your body in a certain way. Channing is very much the same way. He's very in tune with that.

I went to the Capitol and came to court specifically to draw attention to the problems of the world that directly affect my state of mind and my physical body and to offer a way to clean up the world. This is my intent.

Between death and a new birth, we know that our body, down to its smallest particles, is formed out of the cosmos. For we ourselves prepare this physical body, bringing together in it the whole of animal nature; we ourselves build it.

I'm naturally athletic. I've been involved in sports since I could walk. So, for me to be sedentary is just unacceptable. Not only is it great for your physical body, but it gives me more energy during the day if I've worked out. I feel better. I look better.

Everybody has a spiritual body. Everybody has a physical body, and so your spiritual body is the stuff that holds all of your emotions like your body holds your organs, your food, your muscles, your water. Your spiritual body holds your emotional state and your mental state.

It is not the end of the physical body that should worry us. Rather, our concern must be to live while we're alive - to release our inner selves from the spiritual death that comes with living behind a facade designed to conform to external definitions of who and what we are.

There are various grades of spiritual sight. One grade enables a man to see the ordinarily invisible ether with the myriads of beings that invest that realm. Other and higher variants give him the faculty to see the desire world and even the world of thought while remaining in the physical body.

The vision of the human being is confined today to the physical body. One regards this as a reality; one cannot raise oneself to what is spiritual. The souls who now look upon their own physical bodies with their eyes, and are unable to rise to what is spiritual, were incarnated among earlier peoples as Greeks, as Romans, and as ancient Egyptians.

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