I wanted to make a lot of good pitches.

Your pitches have to be sharp every time out.

Disney usually doesn't do pitches for original ideas.

I definitely played on a lot of muddy northern pitches.

You aren't going to stick around long with just two pitches.

Sometimes you have to throw 120 pitches to figure yourself out.

Champions League matches are not always played on good pitches.

You keep pitching. Most of the pitches run wild. A few are caught.

When you're not hitting and they're making good pitches, it's hard.

When you play on foreign pitches, you get used to their conditions.

If someone pitches me a really great idea for an album, I would do it.

The three most important pitches I threw in my life were all fastballs.

I don't see pitches down the middle anymore - not even in batting practice.

I kind of realized that when I take more pitches I put better swings on them.

A pitcher needs two pitches, one they're looking for and one to cross them up.

You worry about how you're throwing the ball, how you're executing your pitches.

I've written about 15 screenplays and they all sold - they were all sold on pitches.

If I keep taking my good swings, swing at the right pitches, good things will happen.

Even if I was tipping my pitches, I could have thrown pitches good enough to not be hit.

I will say that I wasn't susceptible to Tony Robbins-like pitches, even as a younger man.

After leaving ImageMovers, I sold two pitches to Fox Atomic, which I then wrote for them.

I want to focus more on my pitches, not on the tempo. After that, I felt more comfortable.

Every social network on Earth pitches me, and I say no to nearly every single one of them.

I want to throw a faster fastball. I want a sharper curve. I want to improve all my pitches.

There are not enough turning pitches in India, which is why we are not getting good spinners.

I've invested in pitches and continue to run clinics to help encourage others to do the same.

I've got to be confident in all the pitches I'm throwing so I can throw anything in any count.

I played on frozen pitches, on snow. I had only a couple of years indoor before I went to England.

The big thing will be having two pitches you can throw for strikes and developing a change-up, too.

If I can execute pitches and keep the ball out of the middle of the plate, I know I can have success.

You see certain guys enough, and you recognize pitches and stuff. Some guys you see better than others.

When I see some of the pitches which my father played on, I think that it must have been a different game.

There are only so many pitches in this old arm, and I don't believe in wasting them throwing to first base.

If you get a veteran guy that's getting marginal pitches, you know you're in for a tough night and a battle.

You're just trying to go out there and give seven innings. Seven innings, 105 pitches, that's a good outing.

Later, I could take something off my slider and I could make my fastball sink, so I really had four pitches.

Playing in the Premier League, in front of such crowds and on such perfect pitches, is amazing. I am so lucky.

All I really try to do is whatever hitter gets in there, I just try to get him out in as few pitches as possible.

In the longer term we have got to learn how to bowl on flat pitches if England are to head the ICC Championship table.

It is not my domain to speak on pitches, but they play an important role in producing quality players in every format.

Things happen on football pitches. Once the game is finished, you don't need to talk afterwards. That's just how it is.

I've got four pitches now. I don't have to use them all the time, but I've got them in my pocket now for when it's necessary.

I learned to bat and bowl on different pitches and knew when to go hard and when to back off. It was just something I learned.

Once I get completely right mechanically and with command, maybe I only use two or three pitches to get through seven innings.

Artificial pitches are just one more condition for us, like sun, wind or snow; we should be able to deal with such conditions.

My pitch count as a general rule was 135. And I knew how many pitches I had when I went to the mound for the last three innings.

I just try to make contact with the ball. It's obvious that I like to swing the bat. I'm not thinking of taking a lot of pitches.

I have spent much of my youth on artificial pitches. The body can feel a little heavier, but the ball is there quicker and cleaner.

My foundation now has some 120 football pitches laid out for children, a lot of them immigrants. We live in a multicultural society.

You fool around with different pitches playing catch, but it's not the same when you've got to face some guy with a bat in his hand.

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