The toilets at a local police station have been stolen. Police say they have nothing to go on.

What do you mean you have my children at the police station? Why are my kids at the police station?

On a royal birthday every house must fly a flag, or the owner would be dragged to a police station and be fined twenty-five rubles.

I used to run the streets, my mom used to be crying all the time, coming to get me out of the police station all the time. Sports took me off the street.

A parent being called to the school because their child had misbehaved was as serious as a parent being called to the police station because their child had robbed a bank.

In future, migrants desiring to enter our State will need to be registered and their personal details and identification proof will have to be submitted to the police station.

We need to have a system whereby, when a victim walks into a police station, she can be confident that she will be believed and that every effort will be made find evidence to support her in court.

If you go into a police station and report a burglary the first question is not: 'Are you telling the truth?' If you are the victim of a sexual offence, very often in the past that has been the first question.

The fans in Lake Charles, La., were crazy. The Freebirds would get their tires cut, so they started driving to the police station and having the police bring them to the show. The fans then cut the tires on the police car that brought The Freebirds.

There is no requirement that police stop a person who enters a police station and states that he wishes to confess a crime or a person who calls the police to offer a confession because volunteered statements of any kind are not barred by the 5th Amendment.

From Blue Cross we reach out to about 14,000 school kids every year. No matter where I go, be it a police station or a corporate office, I have some youngsters coming up to me to saying, 'madam we heard you in school.' It feels great and that's something I really enjoy doing.

I was whisked away by the Rajasthan police from Ahmedabad as soon as they realised I had applied for bail. They first put me in a filthy cell in the police station, then took me to jail where I was locked up with five hardcore criminals. It was a nightmare. We had to sleep on the cold floor. That's where one sleeps in jail.

Notre Dame and Sydney - that was nothing. Notre Dame doesn't have a police station; it is not 1,000 or so feet high. It was a public structure, very easy to access. And Sydney Harbour Bridge was half-and-half: a bridge, in the middle of the night. The World Trade Center was the end of the world. Electronic devices, police dogs.

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