The President of today is just the postage stamp of tomorrow.

Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing until you get there.

The most interesting thing about a postage stamp is the persistence with which it sticks to its job.

Designs in connection with postage stamps and coinage may be described, I think, as the silent ambassadors on national taste.

Well we have a tiny garden, it's like a postage stamp, so generally we try to get out to the parks in London as much as possible.

I want any excuse to come home. My dad is not a spring chicken any more. If anyone says, 'Go buy a postage stamp in London,' I'll go and do it.

There ain't any news in being good. You might write the doings of all the convents of the world on the back of a postage stamp, and have room to spare.

When I was a campaign worker, you would meet people who would want to vote but didn't have any money for postage. It happens more often than people think.

The United States Postal Service has a problem. People aren't sending as much mail as they used to. That means less postage revenue and difficulty paying the bills.

I love the rebelliousness of snail mail, and I love anything that can arrive with a postage stamp. There's something about that person's breath and hands on the letter.

Of all Americans who have appeared on the nation's postage stamps, Ayn Rand is probably the only one to have thought that the United States government has no business delivering mail.

When I turned thirteen and took a typing class, with typical early teen enthusiasm and total lack of critical ability, I started sending my stuff to publishers once I'd babysat long enough to earn the postage.

I get a lot of fan mail from girls. It's interesting because it's not just the U.S. - you get things from people all over the world. They send these postage stamps and you're like, 'Where do you live?' It's crazy. I'll get letters from the troops, too.

It's rare that I'm able to get to my desk in the morning without stopping halfway there, turning around, and going in the opposite direction because of a pressing need to straighten all the pictures on the walls, floss my teeth a second time, and make certain that there really are 100 postage stamps in the roll of stamps I bought yesterday.

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